Free Software Foundation Europe


Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt - the Barriers to Router Freedom in Germany

02 March 2020

Consider this hypothetical scenario: you moved house. Apart from all the stress of packing, transporting, and unpacking all your stuff at your new home, you also had to deal with getting utilities connected. The electric company turned out to be difficult to deal with: they said you had to change your TV set, toaster, refrigerator and most of your lamps.

Security scandal around WhatsApp shows the need for decentralised messengers and digital sovereignty

28 February 2020

The recent security scandal around WhatsApp and access to the content of private groups shows that there is an urgent need for action with regard to secure communication.

(pre-)FOSDEM +++ ILoveFS +++ Community

26 February 2020

From our own pre-FOSDEM event, to the exciting FOSDEM weekend, to I love Free Software day, February was full of exciting news for the FSFE. We used these occasions to present our work, as well as to offer communities around Europe the opportunity to present their own. Read about our booths and presentations, about love and upcoming events in our February Newsletter.

I Love Free Software - and you?

12 February 2020

While you are reading this, someone somewhere is improving the code of a Free Software you use for yourself. Free Software has long been part of the daily use of billion of users, still the people behind the respective projects often remain invisible. Together we want to change that. On 14 February is the "I love Free Software Day", a day to show your love and celebrate your favourite Free Software and its contributors. Join us!

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The FSFE with a booth at Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany

14 to 15 March 2020

The FSFE will be present with a booth at one the meanwhile biggest GNU/Linux conferences in Germany, the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. Bonnie Mehring and her team are looking forward to speak with you about FSFE and our current projects. Of course, we also have the latest promotion material and merchandise with us.

Public Money? Public Code! talk at Libre Planet in Boston, United States of America

14 to 15 March 2020

Libre Planet is a conference organized annually by the Free Software Foundation in or around Boston, Massachusetts. This year Matthias Kirschner, President of the FSFE, will join the conference and talk about "Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom". In his talk he will explain how the campaign framework can be used to push for the adoption of free software-friendly policies in your area.

FSFE booth and FSFE BNL meeting at the Dutch LUG meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands

21 March 2020

FSFE BNL (Belgium/The Netherlands/Luxemburg) will meet and be present with a booth at the meeting of the Dutch Linux User Group (LUG) NLLGG in Utrecht. If you are interested in Free Software and the FSFE, pass by and get to know the people from the community and our work. We will be there from 10.00 o'clock to 17.00 o'clock. The booth will be there from 10.00 o'clock to 15.30 o'clock and the BNL meeting is from 16.00 to 17.00 o'clock. The address of the venue is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

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