Do You Need a Security Upgrade for Your WordPress Website?

A hacked website can be devastating for a company, no matter its size. In fact, 58% of malware attacks are directed at small businesses! And the last thing you need as a busy entrepreneur is to worry about losing customer trust, search engine rankings, or website files.  

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Website Backups 101: What They Are and Why You Need One

Picture this: Your business is five years old. Sales are in six-figures for the third year in a row. Your dream is a reality. 

But then, an employee comes to you: Customers are saying that they see an “insecure” notice when they visit your site. They’re afraid to place orders. You rush to fix things as soon as possible, which requires contacting your web host over the phone and trying to untangle the mess. You need to revert back to a secure and functioning version of your website before your company’s reputation is damaged any further. Unfortunately, that’s going to take some time. 

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Jetpack 8.3: New Blocks to Interact with Your Readers

Jetpack’s latest release comes with new Gutenberg blocks to help you interact with your readers. We’ve also improved the Map Block and Tiled Gallery blocks to give you even more display options to make your site just-so.

Here’s what’s new this month.

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How FreshySites Uses Jetpack to Protect 1,200 WordPress Sites

FreshySites — a leading US-based WordPress design agency — uses Jetpack for the 1,000+ sites they actively manage. And thanks to the ways Jetpack helps them improve operational efficiency and customer service, they do it with a single person instead of the multi-person team it would normally take.

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Get WordPress Bundles for the Google Cloud Platform Through Bitnami

In August, developers’ lives got a lot easier when official WordPress images certified by Bitnami and Automattic became available on Amazon Web Services.  

Now, you can also find official WordPress images on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)! Automattic (the folks behind Jetpack,, WooCommerce, and more) partnered with Bitnami to provide a straightforward, secure way to use WordPress and Jetpack on GCP.   

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Meet Echo from Jetpack: A Voyager Shaping the Future

Our Team Voyager Engineers live with one foot in the present and the other firmly planted in the future, analyzing how customers use Jetpack today so we can make an even more powerful product tomorrow. Some companies might call this job “New Product Development” but to us, that seems like an underwhelming description of what they do. They’re voyaging into the future (at jet speeds, of course!) to give our users what they want before they even know they want it.

Introducing Echo, a born and bred New Yorker and Voyager Engineer at Jetpack. 

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Jetpack 8.2: New Blocks to Help You Manage Your Business

Jetpack 8.2 is now available for download, with three new blocks to help you promote your business or passion.

Here’s what’s new this month.

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Jetpack and the WordPress App: Manage Your Site On the Go

As a business owner, you have an endless to-do list and managing your website probably falls to the bottom of the list. Dealing with clients, working with employees, creating marketing plans, managing inventory, and calling vendors seem more immediate than editing a blog post or updating a plugin.

But managing your website and keeping it updated play a critical role in the success of your business. What happens if you neglect it?

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Why You Need a CDN for WordPress and How to Set One Up

Speed and reliability are undeniable priorities for any website: 47% of customers expect online stores to load in less than two seconds, and a one-second delay in load time reduces page views by 11%. This has a real impact on your business!

While there are a variety of ways to improve website speed, a content delivery network (CDN) should be one of your first considerations.

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Meet Joen from Jetpack: A Connoisseur of Sunshine and WordPress

At Jetpack, our Happiness Engineers are usually busy supporting our customers to ensure that they have everything they need for a successful website — but we interrupted one of them for an inside look at Jetpack and some valuable tips and tricks.

Meet Joen, a Jetpack Happiness Engineer who grew up in Viking territory but now works remotely under the sunshine and blue skies of southern Spain.

Continue reading → Meet Joen from Jetpack: A Connoisseur of Sunshine and WordPress

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