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Google Fonts + Variable Fonts

I see Google Fonts rolled out a new design (Tweet). Compared to the last big redesign, this feels much more iterative. I can barely tell the difference really, except it's blue instead of red and this one pretty rad checkbox: Show only variable fonts.… Read article


What to Use Instead of Number Inputs

You might reach for <input type="number> when you're, you know, trying to collect a number in a form. But it's got all sorts of issues. For one, sometimes what you want kinda looks like a number, but isn't one (like how a credit card number has spaces), because it's really just a string of numbers. Even more importantly, there are a variety of screen reader problems.

Hanna Laakso documents the problems for GOV.UK. This is what they landed on:… Read article


Currying in CSS

Funny timing on this I was just looking at the website for Utopia (which is a responsive type project which I hate to admit I don't fully understand) and I came across some CSS they show off that looked like this:

:root {
  --fluid-max-negative: (1 / var(--fluid-max-ratio) / var(--fluid-max-ratio));
  --fluid-min-negative: (1 / var(--fluid-min-ratio) / var(--fluid-min-ratio));

See anything weird there? That code is using mathematical operators, but there is no calc() function wrapped around it.

Just as my curiosity … Read article


Creating a Modal Image Gallery With Bootstrap Components

Have you ever clicked on an image on a webpage that opens up a larger version of the image with navigation to view other photos?

Some folks call it a pop-up. Others call it a lightbox. Bootstrap calls it a modal. I mention Bootstrap because I want to use it to make the same sort of thing. So, let’s call it a modal from here on out.

Why Bootstrap? you might ask. Well, a few reasons:

  • I’m already using Bootstrap
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The 3 Laws of Serverless


Animating CSS Width and Height Without the Squish Effect


Consistent Backends and UX: Why Should You Care?

More than ever, new products aim to make an impact on a global scale, and user experience is rapidly becoming the determining factor for whether they are successful or not.

The Slideout Footer

A fascinating new site called The Markup just launched. Tagline: Big Tech Is Watching You. We’re Watching Big Tech. Great work from Upstatement. The content looks amazing, but of course, around here we're always interested in the design and tech as well. There is loads to adore, from the clean typography, interesting layout, and bold angled hover states on blocks, to the tasteful dots motif.

The footer is clever as well, in how it appears to slide out from … Read article


JavaScript Libraries Are Almost Never Updated Once Installed


What React Does (and Doesn’t Do)

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