
Check out the latest interview with the national non profit organization, Running USA and the Civil Rights Race Series' organizers in how they came to be running, walking and jogging for a better America.

It's not too late to sign up, speak up or share the movement. We have exactly 9 days left to bike and trek 1 million miles for justice benefitting the NAACP. We have over 5,600 participants, all 50 states and 16+ countries represented plus over 118,000 miles logged as of Keep pushing for racial equality and social justice!

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Our Ambassador crew is growing and we are excited to have Dawn Marshall onboard for BGR! Hampton Roads, VA!

I'm a single parent of a 25 year old young lady. Born in Chester, PA; raised in Houston, TX. Retired Army of 20 years. When I retired from the Army, a new job (DoD Civilian) brought me to Newport News in 2008. I connected with BGR! in 2012 and have been a member since then. I've always been active; ran track in high school, we had to run in the Army and once I r...etired, I continued running. Now, I've gotten into biking. I have few goals that I want to accomplish: run a marathon (ran 6 - done), run a 50K (done); become a Ragarian (2 - done); run a half in all 50 states (completed 32 states); do a Spartan race; a Sprint Triathlon; and become a certified running coach.


Go head Dawn! Way to represent! #blackgirlsrun #bgrnation

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BGR! Nation February 26 2020 Call
BGR! National Live - June 2020