Try Giving

Meat replacements based on plant proteins could reduce the world's use of factory farming

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Not quite ready to take the Pledge? We see taking the Pledge as a serious, life-long committment. If you're not ready to get quite that serious, Try Giving might be right for you.

Sign up for Try Giving

What is Try Giving?

Try Giving is a scaled-down version of the Pledge. You still commit to giving a percentage of your income, but you can choose how much, and how long you want to give for. So, you could Try Giving 10% of your income for the next year, or 5% until next April — try to pick a target that you think you can stick to!

You’ll be able to use the Centre for Effective Altruism's dashboard to record your giving and to see how close you are to meeting your target.

When it comes to an end, you can:

  • extend your Try Giving period,
  • increase the amount you give, or
  • take the Pledge if you are ready

If you’ve always wanted to give more to charities that do incredible things, Try Giving is an excellent way to keep yourself on-track and motivated, and will give you a feel for what it's like to take the full 10% Pledge.

Ready to give it a try?

Sign up for Try Giving

Actually, I want to take the Pledge