Home is where the tabs are

The Home tab is a persistent, yet dynamic interface for apps.

Present each of your users with a unique Home tab just for them, always found in the exact same place.

Finding your way Home

Users can access an App Home for every Slack app they use.

An App Home is a private, one-to-one space shared by the user and the app. The user can reach the App Home from the conversation list within Slack or by clicking on the app's name in messages.

Within any App Home, there are multiple tabs. Some tabs like About and Messages are pre-defined. The About tab contains descriptive information about the app. The Messages tab shows the direct-message conversation between the user and the app.

The Home tab is a space that can be fully customized by the app — enriched with intricate layouts and deep interactivity. An app can update its Home tab at any time, but content will persist for the user until an update happens.

This combination of a fixed location for a persistent interface with dynamic contents enables a huge range of use cases for Slack apps. Home tabs can contain dashboards, mood boards, and springboards into deep workflows.

Read on to learn more about the ways you can decorate and layout your app's Home tab.

Designing your ideal Home

Home tabs are designed using Block Kit layout blocks and elements. Apps can incorporate interactive components to turn the Home tab into something reactive and dynamic.

Each Home tab contains a view, onto which multiple blocks can be stacked and arranged.

Read our guide to building blocks to see how a Block Kit-based surface — such as a Home tab — can be composed.

Our Block Kit builder prototyping tool will help you visualize your Home tab's block arrangement before you start writing any code.

Keep reading to see how you build your newly-designed Home tab.

Building a Home

With architectural plans in hand, construction of your Home tab is simple — a single API endpoint handles building and refurbishing an app's Home tab.

Read our guide to publishing and updating Home tabs to learn more and start constructing.

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