We know there's a lot to learn and read about all the integration points of the Slack platform. That's why we're giving you this. More to read, easier to skim.

We're sure we're missing critical tips. Let us know by tweeting to @SlackAPI!

Answers to questions we're often asked.


How do I set up my developer environment?

There's no explicit sandbox or developer environment available to work against. Instead, you'll need to use a workspace you've created or are a member of.

It's best to keep your integration or app's ownership contained within the workspace that is responsible for it.

Start by building a Slack app to contain all of your work -- by default, it can only (& easily!) be installed on your own workspace. Follow the UI instructions to add features — most require that you provide a HTTP server Slack can reach.

While developing for your own workspaces or if developing internal integrations, HTTPS will not be required for requests sent from Slack. This is for ease in getting started; we strongly recommend using HTTPS even for internal integrations.

Many developers find using HTTP tunneling software effective while building apps. For one such story, consult this tutorial: Tunneling with ngrok.

How are incoming webhooks, slash commands, and bot users different?

All three integration types allow you to post messages within a channel but differ in how those messages are triggered and how users interact with your app.

You can use all of these integration types together in your Slack app.

  • Incoming webhooks - send messages to a channel at will by using a specific URL. Best used when activity that would incite posting a message occurs in a remote service.
    • Example: If you have an issue tracking system and want to post to a channel when a bug is created or resolved, use an incoming webhook invoked from your issue tracking system.
  • Slash commands - members execute slash commands from within Slack, resulting in us triggering your server to return them a message. The message can either be displayed only to the executing user, or to the channel from which it was triggered.
    • Example: Your slash command allows users to create and resolve bugs from the Slack command line with either action resulting in a message being displayed to that channel.
  • Bot users - Your service monitors channels and direct messages for certain conversational triggers, like specific text in messages posted or emoji responses. As appropriate, your bot user posts messages or performs tasks inside or outside of Slack on a team's behalf.
    • Example: Your bot monitors a channel's messages for specific issue IDs and sends the channel a message containing details about them.
    • Example: Your bot tracks a team's emoji reactions and sends a message at the end of the day to celebrate those most used.

Is Slack down?

Of course we want Slack fully functional for users and developers at all times. Here are some tips in the unfortunate event you're having trouble and need to determine exactly how broken Slack might be.

When possible, we report on current status promptly through these channels:

Try these tips to further divine service health when these resources aren't convincing:

  • Send a simple HTTP GET to the https://slack.com/api/api.test API method. A HTTP 200 application/json response of {"ok":true} indicates at least part of the Slack Web API is available.
  • Send a more complex, authenticated request to https://slack.com/api/auth.test using a bot, user, or legacy token. Using this method exercises the authorization and API layer further than api.test and may grant you the serenity of greater confidence in Slack availability.
  • Do you use RTM? Slack does. Try using rtm.connect to generate a websocket URL using a token with the proper permissions, then open the socket using a tool like this simple browser-based websocket client for Google Chrome.

Still unsure if Slack is down? Contact our enthusiastic support team.


How do I authenticate my requests to Slack?

By token

When working with Slack apps or Web API, you'll often need to send access tokens, also known as bearer tokens, along with inbound requests using the token query parameter.

Some of the tokens you'll be given while going through the integration creation process. Other tokens you obtain by sending users through the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow.

When you're working with Slack apps, you'll be awarded access tokens after a user approves your application.

You can also obtain workspace-specific test tokens for use with the Web API using our token generator, but they should not be shared with the public or other workspaces.

By private URL

Your incoming webhooks URLs are unique for your integration or application and do not require token-based authentication. Slash command response URLs also already encode your integration or application's identity.

Webhook URLs generated by rtm.start also encode the information you need to connect, though requesting rtm.start itself requires a token as described above.

How do I authenticate requests from Slack to me?

Use the signing secret to compute a signature, and verify that the signature on the request matches.

Note: This process is strongly preferred over the use of deprecated verification tokens.

You can also use Mutual TLS. Mutual TLS verifies the identity of Slack in a TLS-terminating server, before a request reaches your application code.

How does Slack authenticate its requests to my servers?

When you configure Outgoing webhooks, Slash commands and Message buttons, you specify a URL for Slack to send requests when qualifying conditions are met. Slack also provides you a token related to that integration.

Slack sends that URL a JSON payload containing a token field. Compare that field to values you've received from Slack. See validating slash commands for more information.

When do authorization codes expire?

Authorization codes must be exchanged for an access token within 10 minutes by calling oauth.access as part of the authorization flow. Otherwise, the authorization code will expire and you will need to ask the user to go through OAuth again.

How do I revoke a token?

For workspace apps, use the apps.uninstall method to uninstall an app completely, revoking all tokens.

If you want to dispose of a single OAuth access token, use auth.revoke. It works with tokens from Sign in with Slack as well as from Add to Slack.

For classic Slack apps, revoking the last token associated between your application and a workspace effectively uninstalls the app for that workspace.

Members and administrators can remove your app through their workspace administration interface.

Though it's somewhat of a nuclear option, you also have the ability to revoke all tokens from your developer dashboard by selecting your application and using the Revoke all tokens button found there.

How do I reset my client secret?

To reset your client secret, go to your developer dashboard, select the application you are concerned about, use the Change secret button found there.

Don't forget to use your new secret when exchanging authorization codes for access tokens while authorizing users and workspaces with OAuth 2.0.

How long are token strings?

Token strings could potentially be as long as 255 characters. Historically and typically, they've been shorter. Learn more.

Bot users

How do I use API methods with my bot user token?

When a Slack App is approved that contains a bot user, you're awarded two tokens. The bot user token is for performing certain actions directly as the bot user, like posting a message or connecting to the real time messaging API.

If you want to make Web API calls more generally, based on the scopes you've negotiated, you'll want to use the broader token you were awarded at approval time.

Slash commands

Why does Slack never reach my slash command URL?

Typically, if Slack cannot reach your slash command URL it's because it's either inaccessible, does not have a valid, verifiable SSL certificate, or because our request is timing out for some reason.

Slack invokes slash command URLs from its servers rather than from a Slack client app like Slack for Mac. This means that the URL we're trying to reach must be accessible to Slack's servers.

To determine whether your certificate is valid, consider using this tool provided by SSL Labs.

How do I validate a slash command's origin?

Keep track of the validation tokens and team IDs Slack gives you when commands are created and teams approve your app. Always validate that the token field in an incoming slash command request has been issued to you by Slack and scope your data for that workspace.

Incoming webhooks

Why can't I override the channel, icon, or user name of my incoming webhook?

You won't be able to override any of these fields when using an incoming webhook attached to a Slack app. Instead, those values will be provided from your Slack app configuration and any configuration provided by the team.

Interactive messages

Can I use a self-signed certificate for my action URL?

No, SSL certificates must be signed by a reputable certificate authority.

You may want to consider using one of the following low-cost providers:


Can I send JSON when using HTTP POST?

Yes, the Web API accepts both application/x-www-form-urlencoded POSTs as well as application/json.

See this documentation on POST bodies for more information.

How is the API rate limited?

Slack rate limits all aspects of platform use with many factors. Rate limits are currently unpublished. Review our rate limiting documentation for more detail.

The guiding spirit of Slack's rate limiting is to ensure that teams are able to communicate effortlessly and without distraction.

Because the limits are unpublished, you won't know that you're about to hit a rate limit in advance. You will receive a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests rate limited message in response to a request and will then need to wait for the next rate limiting window to open.

The next rate limit is indicated by a HTTP header called Retry-After, presented in seconds to wait before attempting another request. If the value were 10, then you should wait 10 seconds or more before retrying that request.

You may find that you can't perform certain bursty actions, like attempting to message every member of a large workspace simultaneously. In some cases, hitting rate limits may be a symptom that there are better ways to to accomplish your goal. Some times you just need to work slower.

Bot users associated with many workspaces may hit rate limits while using rtm.start too quickly. Queue up your connection requests or throttle otherwise after your service restarts.

Finally, developers working with the Real Time Messaging API have special considerations worth reading in context.

For more information, consult our rate limiting documentation.

How do I work with files?

The Real Time Messaging API and other API methods reference file objects that contain a suite of details about the content type of the file and absolute URLs where those files can be retrieved or used for display.

As of January 4th, 2016, applications must provide authentication to access the actual files that file objects reference. There's a blog post discussing this change of behavior.

File objects contain url_private and url_private_download fields, as well as fields for private thumbnail URLs as applicable.

To retrieve these URLs, you must provide a HTTP Authentication header containing a bearer token that's been awarded the files:read or read scopes.

For example, to retrieve a thumb_360 field containing https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/Z0CHK-THSCH5-5SZ0UT/cheese.jpg and your bearer token was VALID_TOKEN, you'd need to send a request like this:

GET https://files.slack.com/files-tmb/Z0CHK-THSCH5-5SZ0UT/cheese.jpg
Authorization: VALID_TOKEN

How do I find a channel's ID if I only have its #name?

For public channels, use channels.list to retrieve the list of channels. The list includes each channel's name and id fields.

For private channels, use groups.list. It works the same way.

Many developers keep the list of channels in memory for swifter lookups. Poll the method occasionally to refresh your inventory.

How do I find a channel's name if I only have its ID?

You can use similar instructions to the question above, or you can use dedicated methods to look up a channel by its ID.

For public channels, use channels.info to obtain a specific channel's information, including its name.

For private channels, use groups.info. You'll find everything you want to know about a specific private channel.

Do channel IDs stay the same when the name of the channel changes?

Channel IDs remain the same even when names are changed.

Do channel IDs stay the same when moving between public and private?

As of September 2018, yes, channel IDs remain static even when a channel is converted between public and private.

Use the Conversations API to safely work with channels that have transitioned between public and private.

Why are private channels referred to as groups?

Private channels were first conceived of as group objects, and the names of the objects, events, and methods were chosen then. We decided that "private channels" made more sense for users, but already had developers, both internal and external, using the group namespace.

When you see references to these groups, just rewire your brain to call them private channels instead, even though you'll be calling them group in your code.

How do I retrieve a single message?

Use channels.history and a token with the channels:history scope to retrieve a specific message in a channel.

You'll need that message's ts value, which uniquely identifies it within a channel. You'll also need that channel's ID value.

channels.history takes a latest parameter, which you'll provide that ts value for. By specifying true for the inclusive parameter and setting the count to 1, you'll receive exactly that message in return:

GET /api/channels.history?token=TOKEN_WITH_CHANNELS_HISTORY_SCOPE&channel=C2EB2QT8A&latest=1476909142.000007&inclusive=true&count=1

Real Time Messaging API

How do I connect to a websocket?

The first step is making a typical HTTP request to the rtm.connect method. Within that response, you'll find a url field beginning with the URI protocol wss://.

Then, use a Websocket client to open a long-lived connection to that time-sensitive URL. While the connection is open, you'll be streamed events associated with the workspace you're connecting on behalf of and can in turn send messages.

Typical HTTP client libraries and tools do not support connecting to websockets directly. You will need to find a client library for your preferred programming environment.

Events API

How do I re-enable event subscriptions for my app?

If your app's subscriptions are disabled due to exceeding Events API failure limits, manually re-enable them by visiting your application's settings. If your app is part of the directory, use your Live App Settings instead of your development app.

When should I use the Events API and when should I use the RTM API?

Choose the Events API if:

  1. You want to precisely scope the data you receive to just what your app needs
  2. You prefer or must use an inbound request model due to a) your hosting service not being able to maintain an outbound websocket connection b) you prefer to scale your application on an inbound request model instead of maintaining multiple long-lived websocket connections
  3. You're converting a outgoing webhook integration into something installable as a Slack app.
  4. You don't need data presented to you in real time as a firehose of information
  5. You find the retry behavior reassuring for redundancy reasons

Or choose the RTM API if:

  1. You can't or won't create a Slack app to contain your creations
  2. You're building an on-premise integration or have no ability to receive external HTTP requests
  3. You're working on a distributed or mobile application without a server backend
  4. You just prefer working with websockets. That's cool.
  5. You need events that just aren't supported by the Events API
  6. You need compatibility with today's existing tools
  7. Sending user_typing events is important for your app or bot user's sense of self and agency
  8. You want data feed redundancy by opening additional websocket connections, or perhaps will augment with the Events API anyhow
  9. You want messages to be delivered to you in real time
  10. Receiving events in absolute order is important to you.

Or why not use the Events API and RTM API together?

  1. Receive event data two different ways to help redundancy needs
  2. You want to work with the Events API but you need time to transition from one to the other
  3. You want to better separate concerns or follow a more service-oriented architecture
  4. You want to offer the perks presented by either API as a premium application feature.

How do I make my bot appear active and present?

The answer depends on whether you're using the Events API with or without the RTM API.

With the Events API, you must toggle your presence by managing your app's bot user config.

With the RTM API, your bot is marked active while connected to a websocket.

See bot presence for further

Slack apps

How does my app get approved for the directory?

  1. Create a Slack app record to package your integration points and obtain your app's platform credentials for use in authentication and the "Add to Slack" button.
  2. Review this checklist to make sure your app is prepared for approval process.
  3. Submit your application for review.
  4. Slack will review your application and approve it if it meets our criteria.

Please be patient as our team regularly reviews submissions. To help the process go as smoothly as possible, we strongly recommend making sure you've followed the checklist before submitting.

What happens if I make changes to an application that has been approved for the directory?

If you need to update your approved app to request new OAuth scopes, include message buttons or add other new features, find your application's configuration page at https://api.slack.com/apps and indicate you'd like to make changes.

We'll then automatically create a copy of your published app for you to use while making and testing updates in a sandboxed environment.

Once you're ready to push the updated version of your app to users, simply re-submit it for review using the process described above.

What kind of changes to my app will require being reviewed again?

If you've submitted your app to the directory but need to make changes to how your app or bot is described, or changes to the integration types packed into your app, or to request additional permissions, you'll need your app to be reviewed again.

Use the beta application corresponding to your submitted Slack app to make modifications to any of these features:

  • Requesting new OAuth permission scopes
  • Changing your message button action URLs
  • Changing your slash command execution URLs & other details about your slash command
  • Changing your Events API subscription URLs or subscriptions
  • Changing your bot user's username
  • Changing your app's OAuth configuration
  • Changing details about how your application is presented in the directory
    • Application description
    • Contact information
    • Application icon
    • Policy & Website URLs
    • etc.

Your client secret and signing secret may be regenerated as needed, without requesting further review.

Do I need to submit my Slack App to the directory if I don't want to?

No, only submit your app to the directory if you want your app to be discoverable and installable from the directory. If you don't submit your app, we won't display it there but it will be installable by any workspace you give the authorization URL to.

Who moved my cheese?

It was @colonel_mustard in the #conservatory with the :fork_and_knife:. A custom and internal investigation will follow this Slack app fact.

Scaling your app

How do I avoid long response times and timeouts while working on behalf of large workspaces?

  1. If you're using the RTM API, use rtm.connect to initiate your websocket connection instead of rtm.start. rtm.connect returns just the data you need to open your connection.
  2. If you must rtm.start, use the no_latest parameter to remove the latest field from each channel object.
  3. If using channels.list, use the exclude_members parameter to trim long membership lists from each channel object.

Team vs. workspace

Why is an ID for a workspace is called team_id, not workspace_id?

Our bad. We used to overuse the term, team which could mean two different things — the people you talk to, as well as the Slack workspace, where the place you do work!

Now we call workspace for all the Slack workspaces, however our API remains the same as before. Wherever you see some objects contains team_id, it really is an ID for the workspace! In the API world, we use the two terms interchangeably.

Transitioning from IRC & XMPP gateways

How can I test basic Slack messaging behavior from the command line?

There are some community-authored open source tools that provide an IRC-like experience on top of Slack APIs. Although they are not directly supported or built by Slack, you can leverage these resources to build your own tools.

How do I build a bot using Slack APIs?

Bots and integrations with Slack can be built a few different ways.

One common pattern is:

  1. Create a Slack app to contain all the pieces of your bot integration at api.slack.com/apps.
  2. Using app management, add the bot user and event subscriptions features to your app and configure them.
  3. Under Event Subscriptions, subscribe to "Bot Events" like app_mention, messages.mpim, and messages.im to receive events whenever users send your bot messages in channels and direct messages. Subscribe to other events your bot may be interested in.
  4. Install your Slack app to your workspace through app management to activate subscriptions and receive your bot user token.
  5. Use the bot user token to send messages to chat.postMessage to post new messages or reply to users.

The RTM API may be used instead of the Events API to receive messages (and many more events) over a websocket. Simple messages can also be sent via the RTM API without needing to use chat.postMessage.

To build a bot that will stand the test of time, consider the upcoming workspace token model.

See these open source CLI apps for inspiration.

How do I build an IRC or XMPP gateway for myself using the API?

Building your own gateway for personal use is an undertaking.

The part of the gateway that reads from Slack should either connect to the RTM API over a websocket or listen for events using the Events API. Use the Web API to post messages and perform channel operations. The XMPP or IRC part of the gateway is its own adventure to explore.

Choose the token type that works best for you. Bot user tokens work well if your user is a bot but poorly if your user is you. Legacy testing tokens may work in a pinch, but properly scoped user tokens work best, as they model your own relationship to Slack. The client scope is useful but overly broad and not suitable for an app distributed on the App Directory.

Using your user token to post as yourself when posting messages with chat.postMessage is best.

Apps operating as a gateway should never distribute their API keys, secrets, or tokens.

Consult these open source CLI apps for some inspiration.

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