
Many dots, do not a query make

How a long sequence of dots allowed a regex to reach its internal stack limit.

To throw or not to throw, that is the question

What are namespaces and special pages on Wikipedia? Why do we accept invalid data? And, at what layer should we reject it?

Tomorrow, may be sooner than you think

These are stories from bug hunts and incident investigations at Wikipedia.

Missing partitions, disappearing audio players, and extreme packet loss

These are stories from bug hunts and incident investigations at Wikipedia.

Wikipedia's JavaScript initialisation on a budget

This week saw the conclusion of a project I've been shepherding since September of last year. The goal was for the initialisation code for our JavaScript pipeline to fit within a budget of 28 KB.

How to protect yourself from npm

What’s the worst that could happen after npm install?

@browsehappy on Twitter

Six years ago, I was looking for a newsletter about browser releases.

Measuring Wikipedia page load times

This post shows how we measure and interpret load times on Wikipedia. It also explains what real-user metrics are, and how percentiles work.

QUnit anti-patterns

Today, I’d like to challenge the assert.ok and assert.not* methods. I believe they may’ve become an anti-pattern.

PhantomJS for CI (anno 2014)

How did Apple create Safari, and what is PhantomJS?

The word “rebuke”



  1. express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions

    “she had rebuked him for drinking too much“

    “the judge publicly rebuked the jury“


  1. an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism

    “he hadn’t meant it as a rebuke, but Neil flinched“
