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Organizations focused on research and development

As part of our last major open-ended search for potential top charities, we contacted several organizations whose primary mission is research and development - for example, trying to develop new medical treatments for a particular condition. We believe this sort of activity may be an excellent use of donations.

In the course of speaking with some of these organizations, we came to the conclusion that evaluating their work would look extremely different from the sort of work we have done so far, and that we don't currently have the necessary background knowledge and context to do so well. Therefore, we have de-prioritized these sorts of organizations until we feel better suited to evaluating them (which we do expect to be at some point).

Organizations in this category that we contacted:

  • Aeras
  • Aprovecho Research Center
  • HarvestPlus
  • Infectious Disease Research Institute
  • Seattle Biomedical Research Institute

Published October 2012