Multimedia Clips

Bite Club TV

In 2010 and 2011, Alice Levitt and Elizabeth Rossano created more than 30 videos in a series known as Bite Club TV. In the fall of 2011, the webisodes were replaced by Alice Eats on “The :30.” Here are samples from the original series.

The Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord: The Champlain Valley Fair is a great place to hear music, hop on a ride, and of course, eat! Join Alice on a gustatory tour featuring indulgent food and interviews with a giant cruller, the dunk tank clown and a very cooperative piglet.

A Porchetta is Born: Porchetta is suddenly trendy, but what the heck is it? Alice heads to Costello’s Market in Middlebury to watch as chef-owner John Hamilton prepares the meltingly tender Italian pork roll from scratch.

Alice Eats

From 2011 to 2015, Alice made regular appearances highlighting new restaurants and culinary trends on “The :30” Vermont’s most-watched news channel’s daily magazine show.