
At just 25, Justin Bieber has passed ELVIS PRESLEY to become the youngest artist in history to have seven #1 albums on the Billboard 200. He just did an interview with Apple Music about his new album and shared about something even more important—his faith in Jesus Christ. He said he had known about Jesus and the Bible, but what changed his life was when he realized that following Jesus was actually turning away from sin.

Talent, fame, or fortune can’t meet the need of the heart. The void in our lives can only be filled by a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. And Justin is exactly right, that comes through repentance, receiving His forgiveness, and following Christ as Lord and Savior.

You can see his comments on the video clips in this link. Pray for this young man and encourage him in the comments below. Thank you for sharing this transforming truth with the world Justin. Glad you’ve begun the lifelong journey I too started when I repented of my sins when I was 22. Praying you’ll continue growing in Christ and experiencing more and more of His plan for your life.

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Much of the world is gripped with fear because of the Coronavirus. There’s much that we don’t know about this virus and who or where it is going to strike next. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I know that my life is in the hands of Almighty God. Every breath that I take, every beat of my heart comes from Him who created and sustains me. We pray for the people of China and other nations where this virus is spreading. Our hearts go out to those who are sick and suffering and to ...the families who are grieving the loss of loved ones.

The world is looking for hope. My hope rests in God. King David said, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me..." (Psalm 23:4). One day we will all stand before Him and give an account of how we have lived our lives. My prayer is that each and every one will put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ.

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What a memorable day in Nashville, TN, today! I thought you might like to see this video of legendary country music icon Charlie Daniels and The Charlie Daniels Band being joined on stage impromptu by one of the most well-known names in Christian music Michael W. Smith. They closed out our #DecisionAmericaTour prayer rally with a moving rendition of "Amazing Grace." An incredible crowd of over 8,600 people streamed into the plaza at the Capitol, standing shoulder to shoulder as far as I could see to pray for America. That’s powerful. I believe in prayer, and I believe it can make a difference in our country. This was stop #20 as I go to all 50 states urging Christians to take a stand for God’s truth and make a difference. We need to be involved in the political process at every level and let the Christian voice be heard. Next stop? Tomorrow I’ll be at the Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky at 12:00 noon, and Thursday in Charleston, West Virginia at noon. Will you join me? Share this with others you know.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and every one of you! May we never forget the real meaning of Christmas—God sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins.
March for Life 2020