Ten Tips for Starting School

Ten tips for starting school at the St Helena Co-op Nursery School

Ten tips for starting school at the St Helena Co-op Nursery School

It is important that this first giant step away from home into school be a joyous and successful one for both the child and his or her parents. There is a lot parents can do, but keep your efforts low key. If you make too big of a deal of this milestone, your child may end up more worried than excited.

1. Visit the library during read-aloud time so your child will begin to hear a person other that Mom, Dad or a grandparent read aloud in a group setting.

2.Integrate books about going to school and saying goodbye into summer reading
times. Some suggestions:
“The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn
“Will I Have a Friend” by Miriam Cohen
“When I Miss I You” by Maude Spelman
“Take a Kiss to School” by Angela McCallister
“A Pocket Full of Kisses” by Audrey Penn

3.If your child has never been cared for by someone else, start to leave her/him for short periods of time with friends or relatives. Reinforce that you will return, and that he or she is safe with others.
4. Summertime is the perfect season to begin potty training. Being potty trained is NOT a requirement of our Nursery School program however, so refrain from linking the start of school with toileting success to minimize anxiety. Expect some regression in potty trained children with the newness of starting school.
5. Make attending the Co-op “Park Date” and “Visitation Day” a priority. Children will feel more comfortable on their first day if they see familiar faces and settings. These dates are forthcoming in August.
6. Several weeks before school, begin the routine of “early to bed” and “school wake up time” so your child has time to adjust.
7. Informed parents are calm parents. Read everything the school sends home. Most questions can be answered by reading the Co-op website, including the handbook. Use your Class Representatives as a resource. Attend parent orientation (this date is given in August.)
8. Co-op children are welcome to bring a lovey or security object from home any and every day.

9. Separation is a process. Expect that your child (or yourself) will need time to feel comfortable with the new situation.
10.Enjoy the company of your child/children daily! Read books, sing songs and be playful!


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