Yoast SEO


Yoast SEO: Az elsőszámú WordPress SEO bővítmény

Since 2008 Yoast SEO has helped millions of websites worldwide to rank higher in search engines. This WordPress SEO plugin helps you with your search engine optimization. Are you not entirely convinced? Yoast SEO is the favorite WordPress SEO plugin of millions of users worldwide!

As Yoast’s mission is SEO for Everyone, the plugin’s users range from the bakery around the corner to some of the most popular sites on the planet.


Do you know who your competitors are in your niche? There’s a reason why they are your competitors: they do what you do. And they might even do it better right now. That does not mean you can’t win from them, but it does mean you need all the help to get on top and stay on top! Yoast SEO is here to help you out as we’ve helped millions of people worldwide with their WordPress SEO efforts.


Yoast SEO does everything in its power to please both visitors and search engine spiders. A dedicated team of developers, testers, architects and SEO experts work daily to improve the plugin with every release. Yoast SEO offers:

  • A cím és a meta leírás sablonja a jobb keresési eredményekhez és a jobb brandinghez
  • A state-of-the-art Schema implementation helps search engines make sense of your site and increases the chance on those coveted rich results.
  • A legfejlettebb XML Sitemaps funkció egy gombnyomással.
  • Full control over your site’s breadcrumbs.
  • Automatically set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content.
  • [Premium] support for our Yoast SEO Premium users.
  • [Premium] the ability to expand Yoast SEO with the News SEO, Video SEO, Local SEO and WooCommerce SEO extensions.


We know content is king, that’s why Yoast SEO is famous for its readability analysis and its SEO analysis. Yoast SEO gives you:

  • The SEO analysis: an invaluable tool to write SEO-friendly texts with the right (focus) keywords in mind.
  • The readability analysis: make sure that you are writing easy-to-digest, engaging content for both visitors and search engines.
  • Our snippet preview that shows you how your post or page will look in the search results. Even on mobile!
  • An FAQ and HowTo block for the WordPress editor so search engines know when you are serving a FAQ page or HowTo guides.
  • [Premium] Social previews to show you how your content will be shown on Twitter and Facebook.
  • [Premium] The Insights tool that shows you what your text focuses on. This way you can keep your article in line with your keyphrases.
  • [Premium] The ability to optimize your article for synonyms and related keyphrases.
  • [Premium] We now recognize different word forms of your keyphrase, like singular and plurals, but also different tenses of verbs (just in English for now). It helps you improve your text in a more natural way.
  • [Premium] Automatic internal linking suggestions: write your article and automatically get suggested posts to link to!


Whether you are a business owner or blogger, a content creator, a developer or an SEO expert: Yoast SEO helps you keep your website in perfect shape. Yoast SEO:

  • Tunes the engine of your website so you can focus on creating great content.
  • Gives you cornerstone content and internal linking features to help you rank for the right keywords with the right pages.
  • Helps you manage your team’s WordPress SEO efforts: with our SEO roles you can give colleagues access to specific sections of the Yoast SEO plugin.
  • Has a bulk editor so you can make large-scale edits to the titles and meta descriptions of your website.
  • Translates your content to structured data where possible to help search engines understand your website.
  • [Premium] Gives you social previews to manage the way your page is shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
  • [Premium] Has a full redirect manager to keep your site healthy by easily redirecting deleted pages and changed URLs.

Prémium támogatás

The Yoast team aims to provide regular support for the Yoast SEO plugin on the WordPress.org forums. But please understand that we do prioritize our premium support. This one-on-one email support is available to people who bought Yoast SEO Premium.

Did you know that the Yoast SEO Premium also has several extra features:

  • It gives you the option to have synonyms and related keyphrases.
  • A redirect manager that f.i. helps you prevent 404 Page Not Found errors.
  • Internal linking suggestions while you write.
  • Write more natural with our automatic recognition of word forms
  • Cornerstone content checks to point search engines to your main pages.

The Yoast SEO Premium plugin is well worth your investment!

Our addons to further improve your WordPress SEO

You should also check out these other products by Yoast:

  • Yoast Local SEO to optimize all website that serve a local audience, like certain small businesses, or businesses with multiple locations.
  • Yoast Video SEO to make sure Google understands what you video is about, thus increasing your chances to rank in video results.
  • Yoast News SEO for websites that are in Google News and what to optimize all news articles for the best indexation and ranking.
  • WooCommerce SEO for all online shops that want to perform better in search engines and on social platforms.

They work with the FREE version of Yoast SEO already, and these premium extensions of course come with support too.

Oh, and don’t forget: our Yoast Academy is for all the business owners, bloggers and everyone else who wants to learn more about optimizing websites, improving their WordPress SEO and taking their online content to the next level.


Bug reports for Yoast SEO are welcomed in our WordPress SEO repository on GitHub. Please note that GitHub is not a support forum, and that issues that aren’t properly qualified as bugs will be closed.

További irodalmak

For more info on search engine optimization and WordPress SEO in specific, check out the following:


  • The Yoast SEO plugin general meta box. You'll see this on edit post pages, for posts, pages and custom post types.
  • Példák a SEO analízis működésére.
  • Példa az olvashatóság analízis funkcionalitására.
  • Áttekintés az egész webhelyre kiterjedő SEO problémákra és lehetséges fejlesztésekre.
  • A használni kívánt funkciók vezérlése.
  • Könnyedén importálhatsz SEO adatokat más SEO bővítményekből, mint az "All In One SEO pack", "HeadSpace2 SEO" és "wpSEO.de".


Starting with Yoast SEO consists of just two steps: installing and setting up the plugin. Yoast SEO is designed to work with your site’s specific needs, so don’t forget to go through the Yoast SEO configuration wizard as explained in the ‘after activation’ step!


  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’;
  2. Search for ‘Yoast SEO’;
  3. Activate Yoast SEO from your Plugins page;
  4. Go to ‘after activation’ below.


  1. Upload the ‘wordpress-seo’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
  2. Activate the Yoast SEO plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress;
  3. Go to ‘after activation’ below.


  1. You should see (a notice to start) the Yoast SEO configuration wizard;
  2. Go through the configuration wizard and set up the plugin for your site;
  3. You’re done!


How do the XML Sitemaps in the Yoast SEO plugin work?

Having an XML sitemap can be beneficial for SEO, as Google can retrieve essential pages of a website very fast, even if the internal linking of a site isn’t flawless.
The sitemap index and individual sitemaps are updated automatically as you add or remove content and will include the post types you want search engines to index. Post Types marked as noindex will not appear in the sitemap. Learn more about XML Sitemaps.

How can I add my website to Google Search Console?

It is straightforward to add your website to Google Search Console.
1. Create a Google Search Console account and login into your account.
1. Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down.
1. Enter your website URL in the box and click ‘Continue’.
1. Click the arrow next to ‘HTML tag’ to expand the option.
1. Copy the meta tag.
1. Log in to your WordPress website.
1. Click on ‘SEO’ in the dashboard.
1. Click on ‘General’.
1. Click on the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab.
1. Paste the code in the Google field and click ‘Save Changes’.
1. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.

If you want more details steps, please visit our article on our knowledge base.

How do I implement Yoast SEO breadcrumbs?

The steps below are a temporary solution as manual edits made to theme files may be overwritten with future theme updates. Please contact the theme developer for a permanent solution. We’ve written an article about the importance of breadcrumbs for SEO.

To implement the [breadcrumbs]https://yoa.st/3qw) function in Yoast SEO, you will have to edit your theme. We recommend that prior to any editing of the theme files, a backup is taken. Your host provider can help you take a backup.
Copy the following code into your theme where you want the breadcrumbs to be. If you are not sure, you will need to experiment with placement:


*if* ( function_exists(‘yoast_breadcrumb’) ) {
yoast_breadcrumb( ‘


’ );

Common places where you could place your breadcrumbs are inside your single.php and/or page.php file just above the page’s title. Another option that makes it really easy in some themes is by just pasting the code in header.phpat the very end.

In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your functions.php file.
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages: [wpseo_breadcrumb]

If you need more details or a step by step guide, read our Implementation guide for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs.

How do I noindex URLS?

Yoast SEO provides multiple options for setting a URL or group of URLs to noindex. Read more about how to do this in this guide.

Google shows the wrong description, how do I fix this?

If you’ve crafted nice meta descriptions for your blog posts, nothing is more annoying than Google showing another description for your site completely in the search result snippet.

Possible causes could be:
1. wrong description in code
2. Google cache is outdated
3. Search term manipulation
4. Google ignored the meta description

You can read more here on how to solve the issue with the wrong description.

How often is Yoast SEO updated?

Yoast SEO is updated every two weeks. If you want to know why, please read this post on why we release every two weeks!

How do I get support?

As our free plugin is used by millions of people worldwide, we cannot offer you all one on one support. If you have trouble with the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, you can get help on the support forums here at wordpress.org or by checking out or knowledge base at kb.yoast.com.

The plugins you buy at Yoast are called ‘premium plugins’ (even if Premium isn’t in its name) and include a complete year of free updates and premium support. This means you can contact our support team if you have any questions about that plugin.

Read more on how to get support

I have a different question than listed here

Your question has most likely been answered on our knowledge base: kb.yoast.com.


With its solid checklist, it's easy to improve one's writings. Kudos to the team for this plugin!
Лучший однозначно, но вот есть и огрехи: - карта сайта создаётся sitemap_index.xml - зачем? Ведь есть стандарт sitemap.xml - мало настроек по карте сайта, аналоги имеют больше функционала (например, Google XML Sitemaps) - иногда не работает быстрая настройка, приходится проходиться по всем пунктам меню. - нет части возможностей, доступных у того же All in One SEO Pack 5 миллионов установок говорит о том, что мой выбор не ошибочен. Успехов в развитии!
26 872 (az összes) vélemény olvasása

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“Yoast SEO” 40 nyelvre lett lefordítva. Köszönet a fordítóknak az áldozatos munkájukért!

“Yoast SEO” fordítása a saját nyelvünkre.

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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Változási napló


Release Date: October 29th, 2019

After releasing several updates to our snippet preview in previous releases, Yoast SEO 12.4 now shows an image for your post in the mobile snippet preview, just like Google would. We have several other improvements and fixes for you in store with Yoast SEO 12.4. Find out more in our 12.4 release post!


  • Adds “schema” as keyword to the structured data blocks to make them show up for that search term in the block search as well.
  • Adds an image to the mobile snippet preview for posts and terms.
  • Changes the readability score for empty content from “Needs Improvement” with a red icon to “Not Available” with a gray icon. Props to emilyatmobtown.
  • Updates the URLs used to ping Google and Bing about the location of a sitemap. Props to @emilyatmobtown.
  • Makes the notice about running an old WordPress version more specific by showing the installed WordPress version and the latest WordPress version.
  • Adds information about enabling Open Graph to the Twitter settings. Props to @stevenfranks.


  • Fixes a bug where no Twitter and Facebook image could be set for attachment pages.
  • Fixes a bug where a nested paragraph would be present in the “noindex” metabox warning.
  • Fixes a bug where Google+ data would still be exported in the settings export.


Release Date: October 15th, 2019

While some of our checks are independent of languages, Yoast SEO has special skills to adapt the various content analyses to different languages from around the world. In Yoast SEO 12.3, we’re taking the first steps to add another language to the list: Hungarian. In addition, this release features a number of enhancement and fixes. Read our 12.3 release post to find out more!


  • Adds the transition word assessment for Hungarian. Props to @9abor.
  • Includes the admin bar CSS in AMP dev mode. Props to @westonruter.
  • Shows a floating Save changes button on Yoast SEO admin pages when the normal button is not visible in the browser window.
  • Improves user input validation feedback and suggestions for error correction.
  • Introduces a new filter wpseo_sitemap_http_headers which allows filtering the HTTP headers we send for XML sitemaps.
  • Adds a RankMath post meta value importer.


  • Removes the notification that would be thrown if add-ons with a lower version number than the plugin were installed. The yoast_plugin_compatibility_notification method has been deprecated.

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the changelog on yoast.com.