Changing the nature of our weekly meetings

So HelpHub has already been deployed and other projects are in need of some focus.

I’ve been thinking about how to make our meetings more useful. Meetings that are just about updates aren’t the best use of everyone’s volunteer time.

Meetings that require involvement but no one is prepared for ain’t the best either.

So I’m hoping that we can improve how we run the meetings. I’d love for everyone to suggest something.

I’ll start off –

  1. Let’s rotate facilitators and note takers. Both roles have the ability to help someone really get into the groove and understand the Docs Team.
  2. Let’s change all meetings to Docs Team meeting (no special HelpHub dedicated only meetings)
  3. Let’s time-box each section of the meeting
  4. Let’s have focuses for each meeting. (e.g.)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% time on HelpHub discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% time Docs Handbook, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% DevHub discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • Docs Team Meeting (60% Flagship WordCamp contributor day discussions, 40% other pieces)
    • You get the drift!

Any better ideas? I’d love to hear them!

Summary for Docs Team Meeting: January 27, 2020

Facilitator: @kulsumsiddique

Attendance: @kenshino, @bph, @felipeelia, @kulsumsiddique, @audrasjb, @ibdz, @wpza, @felipeloureirosantos, @nullbyte, @kafleg, @atachibana, @nobnob

Note-taker: @audrasjb

Next week Facilitator: @kenshino (but invite for other meeting facilitator is open, please comment below if interested)

Team workflow and badges

@felipeelia: workflow docs are being constructed on Trello. @milana_cap is the one to ask for access if needed.

Badges are being discussed in this P2 post. The contributor badge has been discussed for a while now, trying to reach a number of X micro contributions. On his last comment there, @felipeelia suggested to give the badge right away, just as in Core and Meta. @bph added that there is precedent on other teams and make the contributor badge seen right away: it’s the best onboarding tool we have.

@bph proposed a list of elligible contributions:

  • Fix an article
  • Create meeting notes
  • facilitate a meeting
  • reporting an issue on the comment form?
  • Creating a PR for Gutenberg docs
  • user notes on code reference
  • write an article on HelpHub
  • update an article on HelpHub
  • migrate a page to DevHub
  • Report an issues

@kenshino shared some worries about relevancy: “if we say that fixing a typo is fine – we’ll have a rush of requests to do that to farm badges”. Indeed, Core and Meta have automated system to give props to people who contribute on Trac, based on commit messages. There is no such system for Docs.

@felipeelia argued that 1) People receive core/meta badges sending a 1-line patch ; 2) Coming in to Docs Slack team and reporting a small typo does require some effort. @bph added that working out how to communicate a fix to the Docs team is a significant step. even if the contribution is just a typo fix. @kenshino agreed, but the team must keep an eye on abuse to tighten those rules if needed.

Regarding Team Badges, @kenshino proposed to set up a sheet and to give edit access to people that are running projects within the Docs Team.

HelpHub Survey

Reminder from previous meeting discussions: The goal is to build the questions of the survey with the general theme being “How do you think we can improve the WordPress documentation?”. Some questions using the likert scale to track how good it is now so the Team can repeat the survey in the future. Some open fields to get proper feedback so it’s possible to define future projects better. That would be great for this survey to be ready for WordCamp Asia, in less than one month.

@atachibana is coordinating the effort. @bph proposed to assist on this task.

Step 1 is to start a Google Doc in the team’s shared folder.

This survey and the Docs team focus for WordCamp Asia are set to be the next meeting focus.

@bph proposed to draft a P2 post to ask for questions proposals. @kenshino proposed to review this draft.

#contributor-day, #helphub

X-post: WCEU 2020 – Leave no Contributor Behind

X-comment from Comment on WCEU 2020 – Leave no Contributor Behind

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 27th January 2020

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, January 27, 2020, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Notetaker & Facilitator selection
  3. Discussion on the Docs team organization in general
  4. HelpHub Discussions
    • Progress of the survey
    • Categorizing discovery issue by a proper search system
  5. Project Updates
    • Common APIs Handbook
    • DevHub
  6. Follow up on other topics
    • Update on mobile navigation for the article page design
    • Multisite docs
    • Update on meta ticket regarding new readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook
  7. Open Floor

Summary for Docs Team Meeting 20th January 2020

Facilitator & Attendance

Facilitator: @felipeelia

Attendance: @milana_cap, @atachibana, @marcio, @bph, @audrasjb, @tjnowell, @nullbyte, @pbrocks, @carike, @tomf, @kulsumsiddique, @nobnob, @kartikshukla, @estelaris, @kenshino, @clorith and @fierevere.

Note-taker: @audrasjb

Next week Facilitator: @kulsumsiddique

Meeting transcript on Slack

DevHub migration status

@atachibana shared some stats about this project: 322 of 1069 pages were re-routed from Codex to Code Reference, which is 30.1% of all.

This is one of the ongoing efforts of the Documentation team. If anybody wants to help, they can contact @atachibana via DM or via #docs Slack channel.

New contributors are encouraged to read this handbook page to learn more about contributing to HelpHub articles.

Discussion on the Docs team organization in general

As WordCamp Asia is coming, it would be nice to reach an agreement on two items: Team Workflows and Badges distribution.

Team workflow

It refers to reporting an issue about WordPress documentation. There is a Trello board for that. Most workflows are covered, if not all.

@milana_cap hopes to have the Workflows page published in the first week of February.


Contributors are encouraged to leave comments and suggestions on this post by the end of this week so @milana_cap can start working on a P2 proposal.

@felipeelia pointed out the example of someone who noted an error on one of the available docs and asked if they would be elligible to receive the docs contributor badge. @bph noted that it’s a micro-contribution. Several micro-contributions could lead people to receive a contributor badge. @felipeelia pointed out that it would need to keep track of each contribution in a document. @bph added that normally each contributor could keep track of it and let the Team know, when the threshold is reached.

@estalris noted that the design team do triages and people who participate on triages don’t receive a badge, because that is a micro-contribution. Only members with a specific project or role in the team are the ones that receive badges. Note: it’s for the Team badge.

Support team has a 400 replies goal to receive the contributor badge. Becoming a moderator comes with the team badge.


@atachibana is working on the progress and will prepare something for the next meeting.

@kenshino said he would love for that Survey to be ready to be distributed at WC Asia, in one month.

The goal is to build the questions of the survey with the general theme being “How do you think we can improve the WordPress documentation?”. Some questions using the likert scale to track how good it is now so the Team can repeat the survey in the future. Some open fields to get proper feedback so it’s possible to define future projects better.

@estelaris worked on the subcategory issue That was her first draft in trying to organize the articles, but she needs help to define the subcategories.

A discussion started about the relevancy of categorization, but the Team agreed categorization makes sense when there is a lot of content as users would be able to filter what they want to look for. @kenshino noted that we’re trying to solve a discovery issue and those won’t be solved with one method. Categorizing them is a start. But a proper search system is also necessary.

@estelaris and @atachibana are going to work together on sub-categorization system.

New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook

@carike noted that the Core Privacy team discussed the proposed headers for readme.txt files. There is some debate about whether external calls need to be one item or split into three. Everyone agrees with the headers in general though. Next step is a meta ticket. They cannot update the readme.txt before the new headers are added, as this would lead to confusion.

Custom fields page

@leogermani edited the Custom Fields page as previously discussed. He added an entry to the Workflows card in Trello about Code reference.

#meetings, #summary

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 20th January 2020

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on Monday, January 20, 2020, 15:00 UTC in the #docs channel on Slack.

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Notetaker & Facilitator selection
  3. DevHub migration status
  4. Discussion on the Docs team organization in general
    • Workflows
    • Badges (
  5. HelpHub
    • Progress of the survey
    • Localization
  6. Follow up on topics discussed during the last meeting
    • Plugins i18n
    • Custom fields missing more info on usage that were in the codex
    • Multisite docs
    • New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook
  7. Open Floor

Summary for Docs Team Meeting 13th January 2020

Facilitator & Attendance

Facilitator: @leogermani

Attendance: @bph, @atachibana, @milana_cap, @kartiks16, @kenshino, @audrasjb, @pbrocks, @WPZA, @aurooba, @ibdz, @nullbyte, @estelaris, @felipeelia, @tomf, @felipeloureirosantos, @marcio-zebedeu

Note-taker: @kartiks16

Next week Facilitator: @felipeelia


Discussion on the Docs team organization in general Workflows

We added current workflows to this trello card -> | If anyone wants access they can approach @milana_cap

For now, we have a few workflows defined. We are missing on reporting an issue: Gutenberg for developers handbook | any dev handbook | docs team handbook | HelpHub content

@milana_cap will add workflow of reporting the issue in trac and link to core handbook for contributing.

@leogermani will add info on DevHub

For Gutenberg dev handbook we have a workflow defined by @pbrocks


@milana_cap started the discussion in p2, all are requested to share their thoughts.

Docs Team Handbook
Workflows and badges pages:

Once we have all those things defined we can add those pages to docs team handbook

Progress of the survey :

@atachibana is working on the progress

Helphub Localization

We have it here:

@felipeloureirosantos suggested that they don’t have updates there so far as well. There will be in the next weeks.

We have slack channel #meta-helphub as a contact point between our team and the meta team to get updates on this and speak with them about this issue.

@felipeelia mentioned here is a meta ticket for that too. @milana_cap will bring some more information on this in the next meeting. @kenshino suggested bringing @netweb to share thoughts

General topics

@joyously brought the topic of Custom Fields article in HelpHub (, which is missing some information on how to diplay the custom fields (original codex article:

@Kenshino (Jon) and others argue that this is end-user docs and should not have this kind of information. It should have a link instead.

@felipeelia suggests to link it to:

@leogermani will make the edits on this topic

Remove paragraph of BitNami in the multisite considerations article

Topic brought by @René Hermenau. The pege mentioned is Everyone agreed to remove it. @atachibana will do it.

Improve docs on Multisite

Also a topic that @René Hermenau suggested, make it clearer that Multisite is a choice that brings more complexity to the installation. A quick discussion came up on how to show pros and cons so people can make a informed decision. @nullbyte would be volunteering it.

Plugins Handbook i18n

@Pascal might be able to help.

Specific headers, this kind of stuff needs to be there, @milana_cap will do that.


Updates from @atachibana : We redirected 314 of 1069 (29.4 %) of Code Reference’s Functions part

Open Floor

@bph shared that we made progress on the meta-trac ticket. feel free to comment,

@bph asked should the documentation for Gutenberg End User have a section for features only available in the plugin? They are future features for Core, so it might make sense to have future features/changes. to which @leogermani responded as long as it’s clear that it’s not available in core yet, and @kenshino mentioned it should only feature Core info

@kenshino shared few small things i.e. He started a thread in the Advanced WordPress Facebook group, if you are in the group. Some interesting comments so far. It is noticed that many people still don’t know that we’ve stopped updating Codex. We ought to talk about WC Asia Contributor Day and plan properly for it very soon.

@leogermani mentioned In the header of our page on we have, under “Want to get involved” a phrase that says “the many Contributor handbooks” linking to our handbook. Shouldn’t it just say “Documentation team handbook”? Also, he thinks the contents of the header should also be subject to a review now that we are reviewing everything and to which @milana_cap & @kenshino suggested that we will alter it.

#meetings, #summary

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 13th January 2020

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, January 13, 2020, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

Items to discuss:

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Notetaker & Facilitator selection
  3. Discussion on the Docs team organization in general
    • Workflows
    • Badges
  4. Docs Team Handbook
    • Workflows and badges pages
  5. HelpHub
    • Progress of the survey
    • Localisation
  6. General topics that arose in the channel
    • Plugins i18n
    • Custom fields missing more info on usage that were in codex
    • 1) Remove paragraph of BitNami, and 2) Do not propose multisite to beginner.
  7. DevHub
  8. New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook
  9. Open Floor

Documentation Team Profile Badges

This discussion is happening for a very long time without a concrete result so far. So let’s try to define our system and add results to our Handbook. This should avoid all misunderstanding in the future, at least for a while.

Things to consider:

  • When does contributor get a “Documentation Contributor” badge? I think we should define this for every documentation team project.
  • When does contributor get a “Documentation Team” badge?
  • Are we going to remove “Documentation Team” badges due to long time inactivity etc? In this regard I think we agreed long time ago that “Documentation Contributor” badge will never be removed.
  • How often are we going to evaluate the state of badges? Every 6, 12 months?

I’d also like us to take a look at our team page as there are people who still don’t have even “Contributor” badge and are listed as a part of a team.

Everyone are welcome to participate in discussion. Please leave your thoughts in comments section.

Summary for Docs Team Meeting 6th January 2020


Facilitator and Attendance

Facilitator: @aurooba
Note-taker: @leogermani

@leogermani will be facilitating next week’s meeting.

Attendees: @aurooba, @bph@atachibana, @milana_cap, @leogermani, @pbrocks, @fierevere, @audrasjb, @kulsumsiddique, @marcio-zebedeu

Docs team organization: Workflows

@milana_cap created placeholders pages in our handbook pages at:

She suggests that we add a detailed workflow on how contributions are done for each project in our team, taking into account one-time contributors that only want to report an issue and dont know how the team is organized.

@leogermani says the idea is that these Workflow pages should be seen as Landing pages where the user will get when clicking on “report an error” (or something like this) wherever he/she is.

@atachibana asks if Slack could be the main channel of communication, but @aurooba argues that this could be too much of a barrier for one-time contributors

The creation of workflows are being organized on Trello in this Card:

@leogermani reminds that we also discussed in the last meeting the need to update our “Current projects” page ->

Docs team organization: Badges

There is a need to define and document how badges are handled in the team. We are waiting @kenshino get back so we can discuss it.


About the Feedback Section:, @bph says it should use the native comments functionality.

@milana_cap says this could be a bit hard. “development is stale because of combined repos at github and svn. also, I have no idea in what state is staging”. She says she is going to investigate it.

Currently, Helphub uses a Custom Post Type and a Child theme, and there is no support for comments in the code. This needs some development to move on.

About the Mobile Menu:, @atachibana says it has been discussed and now they want to ask the design team for feedback. @atachibana will add needed comments to the Trello card.


@atachibana: for Japanese HelpHub, we are migrating them (especially in the Contributor Day in WordCamps).

@milana_cap: I’m having problems with recruiting Serbian volunteers but we are discussing the idea of having local “Translation Day” and try to move forward

@marcio-zebedeu: the translation for the Angolan team is in progress. Soon I’ll be recruiting more people

Common APIs Handbook: i18n

@leogermani: regarding i18n pages on the commons api handbook. Last meeting we were looking for volunteers to update the Plugins Development Handbook on this matter. I dont recall if we found one

We are still looking for a volunteer to refactor the i18n pages of the Plugins Handbook


@atachibana: @stevenlinx redirected so many Codex pages to Code Reference. Thanks.

@pbrocks says there are no updates on the Block Handbook yet.

New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook

@Carike: New readme.txt file is currently on version 2. There will be a version 3, which will hopefully be the final version. The proposal includes new headers, so it needs thorough discussion.

More details on this subject in this trac ticket:

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 6th January 2020

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, January 6, 2020, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack.

As we are back from holidays we won’t be focusing the meeting on any topic but rather cover all projects in where we are and what is next.

Items to discuss:

  1. Attendance
  2. Notetaker & Facilitator selection
  3. Discussion on the Docs team organization in general
    • Workflows
    • Badges
  4. Docs Team Handbook
    • Workflows and badges pages
  5. HelpHub
    • Progress of the survey
    • Feedback section – 4915
    • Mobile menu – Trello card
    • Localisation
  6. Common APIs Handbook
    • i18n pages
  7. DevHub
  8. New readme.txt file for the Developer Handbook
  9. Open Floor