
    The journey of Bina Nusantara University began on October 21, 1974. It originated from a short-term course named Modern Computer Course, which then expanded because of its strong foundation and comprehensive vision.

    Due to the high demand and its rapid development, on July 1, 1981, Modern Computer Course had developed into ‘Akademi Teknik Komputer (ATK)’ or Computer Technical Academy with ‘Manajemen Informatika’ or Informatics Management as the first major.

    The ATK obtained registered on July 13, 1984 and a year after that, exactly on July 1, 1985, the institution changed into AMIK Jakarta. On September 21, 1985, AMIK Jakarta changed its name into AMIK Bina Nusantara.

    AMIK Bina Nusantara recorded a remarkable achievement in its relatively young age when it was chosen as the best Computer Academy by The Ministry of Education and Culture through The Higher Education Board District III on March 17, 1986. The need for professional workers in the Information Technology area drove AMIK further into development, and on July 1, 1986 it was officially listed as ‘Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK)’ or Institute of Information Management and Computer Science Bina Nusantara.

    On November 9, 1987, a merger between AMIK Bina Nusantara and STMIK Bina Nusantara took place. The institution conducted Diploma (D-3) and Undergraduate (S-1) programs. An accreditation status of ‘Disamakan’ or ‘Equalized’ for all majors and levels was earned on March 18, 1992. On the next year, STMIK Bina Nusantara opened the first Masters (S-2) Program in Information System Management in Indonesia. The program was officially listed on May 10, 1993.

    After going through years of perseverance and hard work, Bina Nusantara University (Universitas Bina Nusantara or UBINUS) was officially listed and established on August 8, 1996. STMIK Bina Nusantara was then merged into Bina Nusantara University on December 20, 1998. At that time, UBINUS has Faculty of Computer Science (Fakultas Ilmu Komputer), Faculty of Economy (Fakultas Ekonomi), Faculty of Engineering (Fakultas Teknik), Faculty of Literature (Fakultas Sastra), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Fakultas MIPA) and Masters (S-2) Program in Information System Management.

    However, UBINUS did not stop there. It is continually expanding their reach on educational areas. On April 20, 2007, Bina Nusantara University added Faculty of Psychology (Fakultas Psikologi) and Faculty of Communication & Multimedia (Fakultas Komunikasi dan Multimedia) in their midst.

    Due to the new organizational structure of Bina Nusantara University, which is valid since August 19, 2008, the names of several faculties were changed. Faculty of Technical Science is now known as Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Economy is now known as Faculty of Business & Economy, and Faculty of Literature is now known as Faculty of Language and Culture. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is now merged within Faculty of Science and Technology.

    Meanwhile, on Masters (S-2) Program, UBINUS officially added another program, Masters in Informatics Engineering (Magister Teknik Informatika), on August 31, 2009.

    On September 7, 2011, UBINUS performed another structural change in the organization. Some of the changes are:

    • Faculty of Economy and Business is changed into Faculty of Economics and Communication.
    • Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Language & Culture is merged into Faculty of Humanities (Fakultas Humaniora)
    • Faculty of Science and Technology is changed into Faculty of Engineering (Fakultas Teknik)
    • Information Technic Major is changed into School of Computer Science
    • Information System Major is changed into School of Information System
    • Management Major is changed into School of Business Management
    • Faculty of Communication and Multimedia is changed into School of Design
    • Computer System Major, which was previously listed on Faculty of Computer Science, is now listed on Faculty of Science and Technology
    • Mathematic and Statistic Major, which was previously listed on Faculty of Science and Technology, is now listed on School of Information System
    • Accounting Major is changed into School of Accounting and Finance
    • The Masters Program of Information System and Informatics Engineering is now under the coordination of BINUS Graduate Program, which also supervises Doctoral of Research in Management