
Exam information
Find detailed information on the 2016/2017 period
Rape and Sexual Assault
Find out more about the work of UCT's Sexual Assault and Response Team (SART), and the support you can access.
First Year Timeline
Access the first-year timeline for information about key dates and deadlines in your first year. Be sure to use this resource together with the faculty-specific information you'll receive on your FYE Vula site.
Information on UCT Libraries
Access the off-campus library login, find updated opening and closing hours, get research help, and post your queries
Orientation is an exciting time, a time for accepted students to become familiar with their new academic and social environment, and the range of opportunities available.

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Saturday, 7 March 2020
First Year Timeline

It helps to know what this year entails, getting a sense of what you have to do when. That’s why we’ve developed this timeline to give you an overview of your year ahead. Download the timeline and tailor it to suit your specific deadlines. 

Publication Date:
Thu, 02 Feb 2017 - 09:45
10 things to do during your first week

We know it can all be a bit overwhelming. Remember to take things one step at a time

Publication Date:
Tue, 29 Nov 2016 - 13:30
Revising for exams

The date for an important exam is looming. You know you have to study for it. Suddenly, it’s the evening before the dreaded date, and you feel like you haven’t studied enough, if at all. It’s time to cram all the information you can into your brain.

Publication Date:
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 - 12:45