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Electronic Research Administration (eRA)

The electronic research administration (eRA) system is a tool for researchers to manage the administration of research processes and research outputs. See the overview here.

To access the eRA system you need to log in through the UCT Research Portal, which you can access by clicking here.  The login button is on the top right-hand corner of your screen.

Currently, you can use eRA (click on this link for How to Guides and FAQ Support) :  

  • To update your researcher profile 
  • To apply for URC Conference Travel
  • To apply for URC Page Costs and to Open Access Journal Publication Fund (article processing charges)
  • For Pre-awards: internal approval applications*.

Note: Publications can be submitted to your departmental co-ordinator for capturing on eRA. This should be done immediately on publication. 

* Please note the specific CHED requirement for the Pre-awards process: it is now a requirement that all external project applications (this excludes the NRF) go through this online pre-awards process. The purpose of the internal approval process is to help manage risk (in terms of resource use, research ethics, health & safety, and finances) to the University.

Please contact Hilmer Merckel for further information on the CHED requirement. 

You can find more information here (login with your UCT email address).