
New Staff CC (2020)

Welcome Our Newest Staff Members!

Over the past few months, we have added four new staff members to our team: Network Manager Julia Brungs; Development Manager Moumita C.; Data Engineer Brent Moran; and Open Policy Manager Brigitte Vézina. Learn more about our newest staff members below! Julia Brungs, Network Manager Prior to joining CC, Julia led the cultural heritage work … Read More “Welcome Our Newest Staff Members!”

Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Updated Creative Commons License Chooser

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019. Ari Madian was one of those contributors and we are grateful for his work on this project. The Creative Commons (CC) License Chooser was made nearly 15 years ago and … Read More “Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Updated Creative Commons License Chooser”

Global Summit 2020

CC Global Summit: Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications

We’re excited to announce that the Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications for the 2020 CC Global Summit is now open!  The 2020 CC Global Summit, held May 14-16 in Lisbon, Portugal, gathers those in the open community under the umbrella of learning, sharing, and creating; united by a passion for growing a vibrant, usable commons … Read More “CC Global Summit: Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications”

CC Tiles

Meet the Artists Commissioned for the Public Domain Day Celebration

Creative Commons is pleased to be a part of the second annual Public Domain Day (PDD) celebration held in Washington D.C. on January 30, in collaboration with the Internet Archive, the Institute for Intellectual Property & Social Justice, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, and SPARC. In order to celebrate the public domain … Read More “Meet the Artists Commissioned for the Public Domain Day Celebration”


Join Us in Washington D.C. to Celebrate Culture and Heritage on Public Domain Day

Creative Commons is pleased to be a part of the second annual Public Domain Day celebration held in Washington D.C. on January 30, 2020!  In collaboration with the Internet Archive, the Institute for Intellectual Property & Social Justice, the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, and SPARC, this event will “bring together a diverse group … Read More “Join Us in Washington D.C. to Celebrate Culture and Heritage on Public Domain Day”

Thoughts on “Non-Amicable” Enforcement of CC Licenses

Broken Hill Wall Mural-07= by Sheba_Also 43,000 photos is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 This post was co-authored by Diane Peters (CC’s General Counsel) and Alexis Muscat (CC’s 2019 legal intern) For the past year or so, CC has been tracking and thinking about strict, less than-amicable enforcement activities involving CC licenses. These activities present … Read More “Thoughts on “Non-Amicable” Enforcement of CC Licenses”

Cover of "Open Licensing of Primary Grade Reading Materials: Considerations and Recommendations" document

Creative Commons and USAID Collaborate on Guide to Open Licensing

Creative Commons regularly works with governments, foundations, and other institutions worldwide to help them create, adopt, and implement open licensing policies. These policies typically require grant recipients to openly license and freely share the work they create with grant funds. We do this to ensure publicly (and privately) funded works are openly licensed and freely … Read More “Creative Commons and USAID Collaborate on Guide to Open Licensing”

Portrait de l'écrivaine libertaire et féministe Caroline Rémy dite Séverine (1855-1929), sur son balcon.

Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain

The Paris Musées’ recently released more than 100,000 works under Creative Commons Zero (CCØ), putting the works into the public domain. They also released their collections’ Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to “recover, in high definition, several royalty-free images and their records from cross-searches on the works.” Users can scroll through the collection via … Read More “Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain”