What is Musqueam 101?
Where and when is Musqueam 101?
Musqueam 101 is offered from early September to early April. We meet weekly on Wednesday nights, usually at the Band Office Lower Boardroom. Dinner is served at 6:00pm, and presentations begin at 7:00pm. Check the weekly Musqueam Newsletter for details about each session and information about the speaker(s)!
Who speaks at Musqueam 101?
Guest speakers from a wide variety of disciplines and careers join us at 101. For example, we have had visual artists, academics, lawyers, marine biologists, authors, anthropologists, and archeologists join us. Many of our guests have also been filmmakers who present a screening of their latest film or documentary. Some of our presentations are hands on, too!
Who runs Musqueam 101, and how is it made possible?
Hosted by Musqueam, the program is supported in part though an ongoing partnership with the University of British Columbia. Leona Sparrow and other staff from Musqueam’s Intergovernmental Affairs Division provide guidance, and the current Academic Coordinators from UBC are Dr. Sue Rowley and Dr. Jennifer Kramer. They are assisted by a student coordinator from Musqueam or the university community.
Musqueam 101 can be taken for course credit through UBC, with special permission.