The Whistleblower Interview Project is a documentary archive of interviews with people who have made public interest disclosures. In these interviews they discuss why and how they blew the whistle, the consequences of their actions, and what their feelings are now. This project has brought their stories to thousands who would not otherwise know of the importance of what they do, the sacrifices they often made, and some of the important lessons learned.

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The Whistleblower Interview Project

Insofar Media

The Whistleblower Interview Project is a documentary archive of interviews with people who have made disclosures in the public interest. In these interviews they discuss why and how they blew the whistle, the consequences of their actions, and what their…

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The Whistleblower Interview Project is a documentary archive of interviews with people who have made disclosures in the public interest. In these interviews they discuss why and how they blew the whistle, the consequences of their actions, and what their feelings are now. This project has brought their stories to thousands who would not otherwise know of the importance of what they do, the sacrifices they often made, and some of the important lessons learned.

The Whistleblower Interview Project was created by Insofar Media and The Centre of Investigative Journalism with support from the Democracy and Media Foundation.

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  • Insofar Media

    See the new series of interviews on the Whistleblower Interview Project.
    Hear from the people who have made public interest disclosures from the NHS to the NSA.

    por Insofar Media

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