Red flag law

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  States with red flag laws

In the United States, a red flag law is a gun control law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question.[1] Refusal to comply with the order is punishable as a criminal offense.[2][3] After a set time, the guns are returned to the person from whom they were seized unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.[4][5][6]

Orders issued under "red flag" laws, also called risk-based gun removal laws,[7] are known by several names, including Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) (in Oregon, Washington, Maryland, Vermont, and Colorado); Risk Protection Orders (in Florida); Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) (in California); risk warrants (in Connecticut); and Proceedings for the Seizure and Retention of a Firearm (in Indiana).[8] As of August 2019, 17 states and the District of Columbia have passed some form of red-flag law. The specifics of the laws, and the degree to which they are utilized, vary from state to state.[9]

History and adoption[edit]

In 1999, Connecticut was the first to enact a red flag law,[10] following a rampage shooting at the Connecticut Lottery.[11] It was followed by Indiana, which adopted its legislation—called Jake Laird's Law, after an Indianapolis police officer who was fatally shot by a mentally disturbed man[12]—in 2005.[10][13] Subsequent red-flag laws were adopted by California (2014), Washington (2016), and Oregon (2017).[10] California was the first state to pass a red flag law allowing family members to petition courts to take weapons from persons deemed a threat, after Elliot Rodger committed a mass shooting in Isla Vista, California; the California law also permits law enforcement officials to petition for an order for the removal of guns from an individual for up to twelve months.[11]

Before 2018, only the above-mentioned five states had some version of red flag laws.[14] After the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, that number more than doubled, as more states enacted such laws:[15][16] Florida,[17] Vermont,[18] Maryland,[19] Rhode Island,[20] New Jersey,[21] Delaware,[22] Massachusetts,[23] Illinois,[24] and the District of Columbia.[25] In 2019, New York enacted a red-flag law as part of a broader package of gun-control legislation that overwhelmingly passed the state legislature.[26][27] In addition to allowing police and family members to petition for entry of an extreme risk protection order,[26][27] the law also allows teachers and school administrations to file such petitions, making New York the first state to include such a provision.[28] Three other states have also enacted red-flag laws so far in 2019: Colorado,[29] Nevada,[30] and Hawaii.[31][32][33]

Proposed or pending legislation[edit]

Other state legislatures considered similar legislation.[34][5][35][36] In 2019, red-flag bills were being considered in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina,[9] Nebraska,[37] and Kentucky.[38]

  • North Carolina: Since 2018, red flag bills introduced by North Carolina Democratic legislators have been defeated or stalled in committee the Republican-controlled state House.[41][33] North Carolina's governor, Democrat Roy Cooper, supports the legislation.[41]
  • Ohio: After the Dayton shooting, Ohio's Republican governor, Mike DeWine, announced that he wanted Ohio's Republican-controlled legislature to pass a red flag law.[42][43] Two months later, however, DeWine retreated from this proposal.[43]
  • Virginia: The Virginia General Assembly voted down red-flag legislation in its January 2019 session. After the Virginia Beach shooting, Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, called the Republican-controlled General Assembly into special session to consider gun-control legislation. The legislature did not vote on any gun legislation, but opted to refer the legislation to the State Crime Commission for study. The bill was scheduled to be taken up again in another special session after the November elections.[44] After the Democrats won control of the General Assembly in that election, Northam announced he would reintroduce a red flag law along with other gun control measures, saying, "I'm convinced, with the majority now in the House and the Senate, they'll become law and because of that Virginia will be safer."[45] On 22 January 2020, the senate voted 21-19 along party lines to pass the law, SB240.[46][47]


A 2018 American Psychiatric Association resource document on risk-based gun removal laws notes that all such laws are "designed to address crisis situations in which there is an acute concern about an individual's access to firearms" but the specific provisions of such laws differ from state-to-state, varying on matters such as "who can initiate the gun removal process, whether a warrant is required, what factors the court must consider before ordering firearm removal, what must be proven in court, how long the firearms are restricted, and what process is used to restore the individual's firearm access."[48]

For example, in Indiana, only law enforcement may petition for an order.[49] In contrast, in Oregon, any person living with the person of concern may file a petition.[49] The California Legislature passed a measure in 2016 to allow high school and college employees, co-workers and mental health professionals to file such petitions, but this legislation was vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown.[11][50] Similar legislation, however, was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2019; the legislation, which goes into effect on January 1, 2020, expands the list of people who may request GVROs to include "an employer of the subject of the petition"; "a coworker of the subject of the petition, if they have had 'substantial and regular interactions with the subject for at least one year' and have obtained the approval of the employer"; and "an employee or teacher of a school that the subject has attended for the last six months, if the employee or teacher has obtained the approval of administrators."[51]

In California, it is a misdemeanor offense for a person to file a GVRO petition "knowing the information in the petition to be false or with the intent to harass."[52]


A 2016 study published in the journal Law and Contemporary Problems analyzed data from the 762 gun removals under Connecticut's "risk warrant" law from October 1999 through June 2013 and determined that there was "one averted suicide for every ten to eleven gun seizure cases."[53] The researchers concluded that "enacting and implementing laws like Connecticut’s civil risk warrant statute in other states could significantly mitigate the risk posed by that small proportion of legal gun owners who, at times, may pose a significant danger to themselves or others."[53]

A 2018 study published in the journal Psychiatric Services utilized CDC data from all suicides in all 50 states from 1981-2015 to "examine the effects of Connecticut and Indiana's risk-based firearm seizure law on state-level firearm suicide rates."[54] The researchers concluded that "Indiana’s firearm seizure law was associated with a 7.5% reduction in firearm suicides in the ten years following its enactment, an effect specific to suicides with firearms and larger than that seen in any comparison state by chance alone. Enactment of Connecticut's law was associated with a 1.6% reduction in firearm suicides immediately after its passage and a 13.7% reduction in firearm suicides in the post–Virginia Tech period, when enforcement of the law substantially increased." The study also found that "Whereas Indiana demonstrated an aggregate decrease in suicides, Connecticut's estimated reduction in firearm suicides was offset by increased non-firearm suicides."[54]

A preliminary case series published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2019 analyzed the use of ERPOs in California, and found that the cases studied suggest that California's red-flag law, as a form of "urgent, individualized intervention ... can play a role in efforts to prevent mass shootings."[52]

In light of the fact that 62% of U.S. gun deaths from 2008 to 2017 were suicides, the potential for red flag laws to prevent suicide has been cited as a benefit that may be more valuable than their ability to prevent mass shootings.[55]


In Florida, red-flag orders were granted 2,227 times between March 2018 (when the law took effect) and July 2019. State judges granted petitions for temporary orders about 97% of the time and granted petitions for final orders 99% of the time.[56] In many cases (up to 90% in Broward County) the respondent agrees to the order.[57] The volume of petitions varies from county to county.[56]

In California in 2016 and 2017, 189 petitions for gun violence restraining orders were granted. Of these, 12 petitions were filed by family members, while the rest were filed by law enforcement.[58][59]

In Maryland, the courts reviewed 302 petitions for a gun removal order in the first three months of the state's law; the petition was granted in 148 cases (about half the time). About 60% of petitions were filed by family or household members, one petition was filed by a healthcare worker, and the rest were filed by police.[60] In November 2018, a Maryland man was killed by Anne Arundel County police officers serving a removal order after refusing to surrender his firearms; police said that there was a struggle over the gun and a shot was fired before officers fatally shot the man.[61]

In Marion County, Indiana (which contains Indianapolis, and the most of the uses of Indiana's ERPO law), a 2015 study published in the journal Behavioral Sciences & the Law found that seizure petitions were filed in court 404 times between 2006 and 2013, from persons identified at being a risk of suicide (68%), violence (21%), or psychosis (16%). The study found that 28% of firearm-seizure cases involved a domestic dispute and 26% involved intoxication. The study found that "The seized firearms were retained by the court at the initial hearing in 63% of cases; this retention was closely linked to the defendant's failure to appear at the hearing. The court dismissed 29% of cases at the initial hearing, closely linked to the defendant's presence at the hearing. In subsequent hearings of cases not dismissed, the court ordered the destruction of the firearms in 72% of cases, all when the individual did not appear in court, and dismissed 24% of the cases, all when the individual was present at the hearing."[62]

In Connecticut, some 764 "imminent risk" gun seizures were served between October 1999 and July 2013, according to a 2014 study in the Connecticut Law Review.[63] Of gun seizure orders served, 91.5% were directed at men and 8.5% were directed to women, and the average age of the individuals was 47.4 years old.[63] Police reports associated with the Connecticut gun seizures in 1999 to 2013 indicated that at the time of confiscation, about 30% of the subject gun owners "showed evidence of alcohol consumption" and about 10% "indicated using prescribed pain medications."[63] At the time the warrants were served, the majority of gun owners (60% of men and 80% of women) were sent to a local hospital emergency department for an emergency evaluation; a minority (20%) were arrested.[63] The study noted that "In over 70% of the cases, the outcome of the hearings was unknown. For the cases with outcomes reported, the judges ruled that the weapons needed to be held by the state 68% of the time. Weapons were returned in only twenty of the reported cases. In fifteen other cases, guns were given to a family member; in thirty cases, the guns were destroyed."[63]

In the first 16 months that Vermont's law was in effect, the state courts issued about 30 extreme risk orders.[64]

Federal legislative proposals[edit]

Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, introduced a bill, the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act (S. 506), which would allow states to use grants to develop red flag laws. The legislation is supported by 25 Democratic senators and two Democratic-aligned independent senators.[65][66] Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, introduced a separate bipartisan bill that would use grants to encourage the passage of state red-flag laws.[65] Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said in 2019 that he also planned to introduce legislation to encourage states to pass red flag laws.[49] Another proposed federal red flag law is Rep. John Katko's Protecting our Communities and Rights Act,[67] which places on the State or petitioner "the burden of establishing by clear and convincing evidence that the respondent poses an imminent, particularized, and substantial risk of unlawfully using a firearm to cause death or serious physical injury to himself or herself or to another person."[68]

S. 506 and other proposed bills would add persons subject to extreme risk protection orders to the list of "prohibited persons" in 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) (those persons who are prohibited from possessing a firearm).[69] The legislation would thus make "it a federal crime for persons subject to the orders to possess firearms and for anyone else who has reasonable cause to know about the orders to sell or give firearms to them."[69] In September 2019, the House Judiciary Committee approved amendments to the federal red flag bill to create a national red flag process.[70]

While campaigning for the Democratic nomination for president in 2019, Senator Kamala Harris of California called for legislation to create "domestic terrorism prevention orders," which would "give law enforcement and family members of suspected white nationalists or domestic terrorists the ability to petition a federal court to temporarily restrict a person's access to guns if the person exhibits clear evidence of being a danger."[71] In states with red-flag laws, individuals making credible threats of violence can already be subject to gun-removal orders.[71] Matt Olsen, former director of the National Counterterrorism Center during the Obama administration, has said that should Harris's proposal move forward, it would be important for the legislation to specify that a person cannot be deemed a domestic terrorist solely based on First Amendment-protected activity (such as openly stating white nationalist beliefs).[71]

Judicial review[edit]

To date, red-flag laws have been upheld against Second Amendment challenges, although the amount of case law on the subject is limited.[69] In Hope v. State (2016), the Connecticut Appellate Court concluded that the state's firearm removal law does not violate the Second Amendment because "it does not restrict the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of their homes."[69][72] The court considered the Connecticut statute to be "an example of the longstanding 'presumptively lawful regulatory measures'" permissible under the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Heller v. District of Columbia.[69][72] Similarly, in Redington v. State (2013), the Court of Appeals of Indiana concluded that Indiana's red-flag statute did not violate the right to keep and bear arms, was not an unconstitutional taking, and was not unconstitutionally vague.[69][73] In Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office (2019), the Florida First District Court of Appeal also rejected a challenge to Florida's red-flag law, holding that the law is constitutional and does not violate the right to due process.[74][75] A lawsuit is pending challenging Nevada's red flag law.[76]

Support and opposition[edit]

Public opinion[edit]

An April 2018 poll found that 85% of registered voters support laws that would "allow the police to take guns away from people who have been found by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others" (71% "strongly supported" while 14% "somewhat supported" such laws).[77][78] State-level polling in Colorado and Michigan has shown similar levels of support.[79][80] A PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist Poll released in September 2019 showed that 72% of Americans supported passage of a federal red-flag law, while 23% were opposed.[81]

Advocacy groups and elected officials[edit]

Democrats and some Republicans are receptive to this law.[1] Such laws are supported by groups that support gun control, such as Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety. The latter group conducted a nationwide study showing that the perpetrators of mass shootings showed warning signs before the event 42% of the time.[16]

Opponents of red flag laws argue that such legislation infringes on constitutional rights such as the right to bear arms and the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures,[82] and object to ex parte hearings.[83][84][85][86] There has been debate about how soon after the ex parte hearing the adversarial hearing should be held. For example, in Virginia, state senator Glen Sturtevant argued that the legislature should consider requiring an adversarial hearing on the order within 48 hours, rather than within 14 days.[87]

The National Rifle Association (NRA) had previously argued that red flag laws unnecessarily hamper the right to due process of individuals who are restrained by them,[34] and worked to defeat such legislation in Utah and Maryland.[88] In a March 2018 policy reversal, the NRA suggested that it might support such laws, but conditioned any openness to such laws on an extensive list of conditions,[35][88] including a judicial finding by "clear and convincing evidence" that the person poses a significant risk of danger.[88] The NRA did not identify any federal or state red flag laws that it supported,[88] and even after its March 2018 announcement continued to work to defeat or weaken red flag bills introduced in state legislatures.[89] In summer 2018, the NRA mobilized to defeat red-flag legislation proposed in Pennsylvania because it objected to allowing initial hearings ex parte.[89] In Arizona in 2019, the NRA ghostwrote an opinion piece for sheriffs to submit to the local press stating their opposition to the legislation.[90] A 2019 study by gun rights advocate John Lott found red flag laws have no significant effect on murder, suicide, the number of people killed in mass public shootings, robbery, aggravated assault, or burglary.[91]

Some counties and cities have adopted "Second Amendment sanctuary" resolutions in opposition to red flag laws.[90][92][93] As of 2019, some 75 jurisdictions have declared themselves sanctuaries that oppose emergency protection orders and enforcement of gun background checks, at times with assistance from the NRA.[90]

In the wake of the El Paso, Texas shooting and Dayton, Ohio shooting of August 4 and 5, 2019, President Donald Trump called on states to implement red flag laws to help remove guns from "those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety."[49] However, Trump did not endorse any particular piece of legislation, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he would allow gun legislation to be brought to the Senate floor only if it gained Trump's support.[94][95] Gun rights groups mounted a campaign to discourage Trump from supporting red-flag laws or other gun-control measures, saying that pushing for red flag laws could cost Trump the 2020 presidential election.[96][94] In November 2019, Trump abandoned the idea of putting forth red-flag law proposals or other legislation to curtail gun violence.[97]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b Barbaro, Michael, host. "Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018." The Daily, New York Times. 27 Feb. 2018. New York Times.
  2. ^ Rafael Olmeda (April 9, 2018). "Man charged with felony won't give up guns. New law lets cops put him behind bars". Sun-Sentinel.
  3. ^ Nicole Gaudiano (August 24, 2018). "As Anne Arundel police prepare for 'red flag' gun seizures, law's sponsor holds Capital Gazette shooting victim close". The Capital.
  4. ^ O'Sullivan, Joseph (November 14, 2016). "Family tragedy behind Initiative 1491, to get guns from those deemed at extreme risk". The Seattle Times. Retrieved February 27, 2018.
  5. ^ a b Johnson, Kirk (February 23, 2018). "States Mull 'Red Flag' Gun Seizures from People Deemed Dangerous". The New York Times.
  6. ^ Baker, Mike (November 18, 2019). "He Wrote 'Kill All Women', but a Judge Returned His Guns". New York Times. Retrieved November 26, 2019.
  7. ^ Reena Kapoor, Elissa Benedek, Richard J. Bonnie, Tanuja Gandhi, Liza Gold, Seth Judd, Debra A. Pinals, Resource Document on Risk-Based Gun Removal Laws, Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, Vol. 17, Issue 4 (Fall 2019), pp. 443-451, doi:10.1176/appi.focus.17403.
  8. ^ Data behind Extreme Risk Protective Order Policies: A Look at Connecticut's Risk-Warrant Law, Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (May 2018).
  9. ^ a b Jonathan Levinson & Lisa Dunn, What Is A Red Flag Law?, WAMU (August 5, 2019).
  10. ^ a b c Jason Hanna and Laura Ly, After the Parkland massacre, more states consider 'red flag' gun bills, CNN (March 7, 2018).
  11. ^ a b c Foley, Ryan J.; Thompson, Don (February 19, 2018). "Few states let courts take guns from people deemed a threat". Associated Press.
  12. ^ Katie Stancombe, Reversal: COA orders return of once-'dangerous' man's 51 guns, Indiana Lawyer (April 5, 2019).
  13. ^ Justin L. Mack, He warned that the man would kill if he got his guns back. That 'nightmare' came true., Indianapolis Star (October 16, 2019).
  14. ^ Bernstein, Lenny (February 16, 2018). "Five states allow guns to be seized before someone can commit violence". The Washington Post.
  15. ^ Nick Wing & Melissa Jeltsen, Wave of 'Red Flag; Gun Laws Shows Power of the Parkland Effect, Huffington Post (June 16, 2018).
  16. ^ a b Michael Livingston, More States Approving 'Red Flag' Laws to Keep Guns Away from People Perceived as Threats, Los Angeles Times (May 14, 2018).
  17. ^ Scherer, Michael (March 7, 2018). "Florida Legislature Backs New Gun Restrictions After Parkland School Shooting". The Washington Post.
  18. ^ McCullum, April (April 10, 2018). "Gov. Scott Signs Vermont Gun Bills: When New Steps Take Effect". Burlington Free Press.
  19. ^ Bernfeld, Jeremy (April 24, 2018). "Ban on 'Bump Stocks' Among New Gun Regulations in Maryland". WAMU.
  20. ^ McGuinness, Dylan (June 1, 2018). "Raimondo Signs 'Red Flag' Bill, Bump Stock Ban Into Law". Associated Press.
  21. ^ Wing, Nick (June 13, 2018). "New Jersey's Tough Gun Laws Just Got Even Stronger". Huffington Post.
  22. ^ Goss, Scott (April 24, 2018). "'Red Flag' Gun Bill Passes, Heads to Delaware Governor's Desk". The News Journa.
  23. ^ Miller, Joshua (July 3, 2018). "People Deemed to Be a Danger Can Lose Gun Rights Under New Law". Boston Globe. Retrieved July 4, 2018.
  24. ^ McCoppin, Robert; Garcia, Monique (July 16, 2018). "Guns Can Be Removed from Those Deemed Dangerous under Law Signed by Rauner; He Also Extends 'Cooling Off' Period to Assault-Style Weapons". Chicago Tribune.
  25. ^ Peter Hermann (December 18, 2018). "D.C. Council approves 'red flag' gun seizure law". Washington Post.
  26. ^ a b Tom Precious, Cuomo signs 'red flag' gun control bill into law, Buffalo News (February 25, 2019).
  27. ^ a b Laura Ly, New York's governor, joined by Nancy Pelosi, signs 'red flag' gun protection law, CNN (February 25, 2019).
  28. ^ Autumn Callan, New York governor signs 'red flag' gun bill into law, Jurist (February 26, 2019).
  29. ^ Axelrod, Tal (April 13, 2019). "Colorado governor signs 'red flag' gun bill". The Hill.
  30. ^ Blake Apgar (June 14, 2019). "Nevada Gov. Sisolak signs gun control bill into law". Las Vegas Review-Journal.
  31. ^ Kevin Dayton (July 1, 2019). "'Red Flag' Gun Law Signed by Hawaii Governor". Tribune News Service.
  32. ^ "Act 140, An Act Relating to Gun Violence Protective Orders" (PDF). Thirtieth Legislature, 2019, State of Hawaii.
  33. ^ a b Bandlamudi, Adhiti (9 August 2019). "The Complicated Politics of Passing a Red Flag Law". WUNC.
  34. ^ a b Fies, Andy (February 16, 2018). "How a temporary restraining order for guns could help stop mass shootings". ABC News.
  35. ^ a b Sean Campbell & Alex Yablon, Red Flag Laws: Where the Bills Stand in Each State, The Trace (March 29, 2018).
  36. ^ Wing, Nick. "Massachusetts Joins Wave of States Passing 'Red Flag' Gun Laws After Parkland". Huffington Post.
  37. ^ JoAnne Young, Nebraska relatively more cautious about guns than other red states, expert says, Lincoln Journal Star (August 11, 2019).
  38. ^ 'Red Flag' law proposed in Kentucky to take guns from people perceived as a threat, WDRB (August 9, 2019).
  39. ^ Bianca Buono, Gov. Ducey will push for 'red flag' gun law again for Arizona, KPNX (August 5, 2019).
  40. ^ Natalie Allison, Gun control: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee says it's too 'early' to commit to enacting red flag gun law, Nashville Tennessean (August 6, 2019).
  41. ^ a b Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan, Gov. Cooper announces gun safety measures, calls for action on 'red flag' bill, News & Observer (August 12, 2019).
  42. ^ Jackie Borchardt & Jessie Balmert, Would Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine's 'red flag' proposal pass the Ohio legislature? We asked every lawmaker., Cincinnati Enquirer (August 16, 2019).
  43. ^ a b Jessie Balmert & Jackie Borchardt, Ohio governor decides against 'red flag' law, proposes optional private sale background checks, Cincinnati Enquirer (October 7, 2019).
  44. ^ Ned Oliver, Trump renews calls for red flag laws Va. GOP voted down earlier this year, Virginia Mercury (August 5, 2019)
  45. ^
  46. ^
  47. ^
  48. ^ Reena Kapoor, Elissa Benedek, Richard J. Bonnie, Tanuja Gandhi, Liza Gold, Seth Judd, Debra A. Pinals, APA Resource Document on Risk-Based Gun Removal Laws, Ad Hoc Workgroup of the Council on Psychiatry and Law (approved by the American Psychiatric Association Joint Reference Committee, June 2018), republished as Resource Document on Risk-Based Gun Removal Laws, Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, Vol. 17, Issue 4 (Fall 2019), pp. 443-451, doi:10.1176/appi.focus.17403.
  49. ^ a b c d Lawrence, Elizabeth (August 5, 2019). "After back to back shootings, Trump called for red flag laws. Here's what they are". USA Today.
  50. ^ McGreevy, Patrick (August 19, 2019). "California's 'red flag' law might be helping to reduce mass shooting risk, study says". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 19, 2019.
  51. ^ Benjamin Ebbink, California Expands "Red Flag" Law To Permit Gun Violence Restraining Orders in Workplaces and Schools, Fisher Phillips, October 16, 2019.
  52. ^ a b Garen J. Wintemute, Veronica A. Pear, Julia P. Schleimer, Rocco Pallin, Sydney Sohl, Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, Elizabeth A. Tomsich, Extreme Risk Protection Orders Intended to Prevent Mass Shootings: A Case Series, Annals of Internal Medicine (August 20, 2019), doi:10.7326/M19-2162.
  53. ^ a b Swanson, J. W., Norko, M., Lin, H-J., Alanis-Hirsch, K., Frisman, L., Baranoski, M., Easter, M., Robertson, A. G., Swartz, M., Bonnie, R. J., Implementation and Effectiveness of Connecticut's Risk-Based Gun Removal Law: Does It Prevent Suicides?, 80 Law and Contemporary Problems, pp. 179-208 (August 2016).
  54. ^ a b Kivisto, Aaron J.; Phalen, Peter Lee (2018). "Effects of Risk-Based Firearm Seizure Laws in Connecticut and Indiana on Suicide Rates, 1981-2015". Psychiatric Services. 69 (8): 855–862. doi:10.1176/ ISSN 1557-9700. PMID 29852823.
  55. ^ Warren Fiske, Miyares Gun-Suicide Claim Rates "Mostly True", PolitiFact Virginia (August 20, 2019).
  56. ^ a b Rafael Olmeda, Thousands of guns taken under Red Flag law, but South Florida lags in applying it, South Florida Sun Sentinel (September 21, 2019).
  57. ^ Amy Sherman, PolitiFact: How Florida’s red flag gun law works, Tampa Bay Times (September 9, 2019).
  58. ^ Melody Gutierrez, Jerry Brown vetoes California bill to expand gun restraining orders, San Francisco Chronicle (September 26, 2018).
  59. ^ Melody Gutierrez, California starts slowly on seizing unstable people's guns, but that could change, San Francisco Chronicle (May 11, 2018).
  60. ^ Ovetta Wiggins, Red-flag law in Maryland led to gun seizures from 148 people in first three months, Washington Post (January 15, 2019).
  61. ^ Colin Campbell (November 5, 2018). "Anne Arundel police say officers fatally shot armed man while serving protective order to remove guns". Baltimore Sun.
  62. ^ George F. Parker, Circumstances and Outcomes of a Firearm Seizure Law: Marion County, Indiana, 2006-2013, 33 Behavioral Sciences & the Law 308 (2015).
  63. ^ a b c d e Michael A. Norko & Madelon Baranoski, "Gun Control Legislation in Connecticut: Effects on Persons with Mental Illness," 6 Connecticut Law Review 1609, 1619 (2014).
  64. ^ Melissa Block, How Red Flag Laws Are Used In Vermont, All Things Considered, NPR (August 21, 2019); Paul Heintz, Red Flags in the Green Mountains: How VT's 'Extreme Risk' Gun Law Is Working, Seven Days (August 14, 2019).
  65. ^ a b Jordain Carney, Senators ask for committee vote on 'red flag' bills after shootings, The Hill (August 5, 2019).
  66. ^ S. 506: Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019, 116th Congress,
  67. ^
  68. ^
  69. ^ a b c d e f Michael A. Foster, In Focus: Firearm "Red Flag" Laws in the 116th Congress, Congressional Research Service (May 8, 2019).
  70. ^
  71. ^ a b c Madhani, Aamer (14 August 2019). "White nationalists could have firearms taken under red flag law proposed by Kamala Harris". USA Today.
  72. ^ a b Hope v. State, 133 A.3d 519, 163 Conn.App. 36 (2016).
  73. ^ Redington v. State, 992 N.E.2d 823 (Ind. Ct. App. 2013).
  74. ^ Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office, 18-3938 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2019).
  75. ^ Jim Saunders, Appeals Court Upholds 'Red Flag' Law, News Service of Florida (September 26, 2019).
  76. ^ "Lawsuit filed to block Nevada's 'red flag' law". Retrieved 2020-02-02.
  77. ^ Washington Post-ABC News Poll, April 8–11, 2018.
  78. ^ Emily Guskin & Scott Clement, Has Parkland changed Americans' views on guns?, Washington Post (April 20, 2018).
  79. ^ Patrick Center, Poll reveals Michigan voters in favor of "Red Flag" law, WGVY (March 8, 2018).
  80. ^ NEW POLL: Colorado voters overwhelmingly favor a Red Flag Law, Keating Research (May 3, 2018).
  81. ^ Laura Santhanam, Most Americans support these 4 types of gun legislation, poll says, PBS NewsHour (September 10, 2019).
  82. ^ Cerwinske, Joe (13 August 2019). "State Senator Chapman Voices Opposition to "Red Flag" Gun Law". Raccoon Valley Radio.
  83. ^ José Niño (July 27, 2018). "Red Flag Laws: The Latest Anti-Gun Scheme". Mises Institute.
  84. ^ Michael Hammond (April 19, 2018). "Kafkaesque 'red flag laws' strip gun owners of their constitutional rights". USA Today.
  85. ^ "GOA warns Senators on dangers of Red Flag Laws". Gun Owners of America. Retrieved February 1, 2019.
  86. ^ Jordan, Chuck (2019-08-12). "'Red flag laws' violate more than just gun rights". The Hill. Retrieved 2019-08-12.
  87. ^ Megan Pauly (July 8, 2019). "Virginia Legislature To Reconsider 'Red Flag' Law". VPM.
  88. ^ a b c d Nicole Gaudiano (March 19, 2018). "Under pressure, NRA voices support for gun violence restraining orders". USA Today.
  89. ^ a b Alex Yablo, First, the NRA Watered Down a Red Flag Bill. Then It Mobilized to Kill It., The Trace (July 12, 2018).
  90. ^ a b c Penzenstadler, Nick (May 20, 2019). "NRA helps sheriffs fight gun laws in Second Amendment 'sanctuaries'". USA Today.
  91. ^ Moody, Carlisle E.; Lott, John R. (December 28, 2018). "Do Red Flag Laws Save Lives or Reduce Crime?". Rochester, NY. Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  92. ^ Beckman, Abigail (March 7, 2019). "Counties Declare Second Amendment Sanctuary Status As Legislature Debates Red Flag Bill". KTCC.
  93. ^ David Gutman (February 12, 2019). "Sheriffs who don't enforce Washington's new gun law could be liable, AG Bob Ferguson says". Seattle Times.
  94. ^ a b John Santucci, Katherine Faulders, Sarah Kolinovsky & Alexander Mallin, Campaign says new gun control measures may pose political problem for Trump: Sources, ABC News (September 6, 2019).
  95. ^ Alexander Bolton, Trump walks tightrope on gun control, The Hill (September 22, 2019).
  96. ^ Kathryn, Second Amendment advocates warn Trump over support for "red flag" laws, CBS News (August 15, 2019).
  97. ^ Josh Dawsey, Trump abandons proposing ideas to curb gun violence after saying he would following mass shootings, Washington Post (November 1, 2019).

External links[edit]