Why You Should Learn a Second Language

Here are 4 reasons you should learn a second language.

Watch John McWhorter's full TED Talk here: http://t.ted.com/kFSS1Zk

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Language. I'm speaking right now is on its way to becoming the world's universal language for better or for worse, it's been predicted at the end of the century, almost all of the languages that exist now they're about 6000 will no longer be spoken. We're getting to the point where I question is gonna start being asked which is why should we learn foreign languages other than English happens to be far far into into? one? I think. Reasons one reason to learn them is because they are tickets to being able to participate in the culture of the people who speak them just by virtue of the fact that it is their code second reason it's been shown that if you speak two languages, dementia is less likely to set in and that you are probably a better multitasker bilingualism is healthy and then third languages are just an awful. of. Much more fun than we're often told so, for example, Arabic Catawba, he wrote the book, he writes, she writes tube right in the imperative. What did those things have in common? All of those things have in common the continents sitting in the Middle like pillars, they stay still and the vowels dance around the continents who wouldn't want to roll that around in their mouth. You can get that from Hebrew, you can get that from Ethiopia's. Language or languages have different word orders learning how to speak with different word order is like driving on the different side of the Street. If you go to a certain country or the feeling that you get when you put which hazel around your eyes and you feel the tingle a language can do that to you or have you ever learned any Cambodian me either. But if I did, I would get to. Mouth not some bakers dozen of battles like English has, but a good 30 different vowels scotching and using around in the Cambodian mouth like bees in a hive. So I highly recommend that you teach yourself languages other than the one that I'm speaking because there's never been a better time to do it. It's an awful lot of fun. It won't change your mind, but it will most certainly blow your.
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