Marketing Organization and Operations

Achieve goals by aligning people, processes, partners, data and technology

Marketing leaders need to deliver growth

Marketing leaders tasked with delivering growth must be able to operationalize their strategic marketing plans by aligning their organization, processes, partners and technology. 

I went [to Time Inc.] to really transform the company, to optimize the business, and to create new revenue streams to drive growth — with a very, very short runway. I spent a lot of time with Gartner and the experts ... to bring in outside best practices ... So It was really a team — [Gartner was] helping me and helping my leadership team to succeed, go to market quickly, to put the strategies together quickly.

Leslie Doty

Former CMO, Time Inc.

Leaders can deliver growth through aligned marketing organizations and operations

Marketing leaders tasked with delivering growth must be able to operationalize their strategic plans. This includes gathering and deploying the resources, organization, processes and tools that power marketing capabilities according to strategic plans — and executing those plans effectively and efficiently.

Insights you can use

Gartner insights and advice help leaders optimize their marketing organizations and operations to achieve their business goals.

How we work with you

Our experts, backed by unbiased data, will support you as you build effective organizational structures, optimize operations and grow your capabilities to deliver measurable results.

7 Key Practices to Successfully Lead Today’s Agile Marketing Organization

Many CMOs are building agile organizations to meet expanding responsibilities and rapid marketplace shifts. Learn how to adapt and evolve your leadership skills wth Gartner research and successfully lead agile teams. 

Five Marketing Specific Focus Areas of Cost Optimization

Leading marketers approach cost optimization as an expansive, always-on effort that can have both an immediate and a long-term impact on how marketing delivers against business goals. Follow these five steps to drive cost optimization throughout your marketing operations. 

Organizational Design Essentials: Part One, The Approach

Organizational design done well can deliver significant improvements to team performance because it optimizes the alignment of the marketing organization with its mission.

Four Steps for Building an Agile Marketing Organization

Marketing leaders must build a diverse, adaptable range of team capabilities to meet expanding responsibilities and keep their brands competitive amid rapid marketplace shifts. Leverage this Gartner research to learn how.

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Highlights from Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™ 2019

At Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™ you will advance your thinking as a strategic leader and bring your marketing vision to life with the best mix of insights and 100% research-backed sessions that will help you drive your marketing vision, communicate your strategy and lead with confidence. 

In 2017, we went out to San Diego, and the term we always use is that the light seemed to go on for us at that point in time.

Jim Pendergast

Sr Vice President, Customer Experience, AARP

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