Content Marketing

Build a sustainable content supply chain aligned with business goals

Customer engagement depends on the right content marketing strategy

Marketing teams spend roughly 30% of their budgets on content creation to feed a wide range of engagement initiatives, from advertising and content marketing, to product marketing and sales collateral. Yet less than 40% of marketers who engage in content marketing have a defined and documented strategy. Attracting, acquiring and retaining customers takes the right content marketing strategy

I did not have the resources in-house, or the talent, for the help I needed, and I needed it in a lot of different areas ... I spent a lot of time with Gartner and the experts ... it was really a team, helping me and my leadership team succeed and go to market quickly ... all in all it was a team effort.

Leslie Doty

Former CMO, Time Inc.

Create a differentiated and adaptable content marketing strategy

Content fuels every customer experience and marketing channel. Effective content marketing programs focus on creating, distributing and amplifying content via digital and offline channels, driving audience awareness and engagement to accelerate the achieving of business goals.

Insights you can use

Gartner's research, tools and insights help you create a differentiated and adaptable content marketing strategy, execute effective content marketing programs, and accelerate and scale relevant content to deliver business results.

Grow your business with personalized, real-time connections

Prioritize your data, offer tailored help and customize your content. Learn the steps for building best-in-class marketing personalization campaigns.

Drive customer conversion with personalized video

Personalized video used as part of a content marketing strategy can nudge existing customers to take the next step in their customer journey.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Marketing Platforms

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Content Marketing Platforms (CMPs) reflects marketing’s urgent need for tools that help develop, produce and deliver branded content.

How we work with you

Our experts, backed by unbiased data, will support you in protecting your investment and developing a content marketing strategy that drives audience awareness and engagement to achieve your organizational goals.

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Highlights from Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™ 2019

Catch up on the top insights and trends that CMOs and marketing leaders were talking about at this year’s Marketing Symposium. How are you marketing to Gen Z? Does your marketing strategy prioritize help? How do you build a genius marketing organization? Get the insights from Marketing Symposium/Xpo to understand the top trends that marketers are caring about now.

In 2017, we went out to San Diego, and the term we always use is that the light seemed to go on for us at that point in time.

Jim Pendergast

Senior Vice President, Customer Experience, AARP

Gartner Topic Experts

Gartner’s HR experts include more than 90 people worldwide. Meet a few of our leaders.

Marc Brown
Sr. Director Analyst

Alex De Fursac Gash
Director, Advisory

Clare Dietz
Sr. Principal Advisory

Traci S. Croft
Director Advisory

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