Blueprint for a CMO’s First 100 Days

September 25, 2019
Contributor: Laura Starita 

Use a 6-phase approach anchored in effective communication to set the conditions for success.

Every day it seems another high-profile CMO announces their departure from the company they joined just a few years before. The top marketer role has the shortest tenure of any member of the C-suite. Yet early planning and communication can set a CMO up for long-term success.

“A key determinant of success is ensuring that job expectations are aligned by understanding your role, scope and influence,” says Marc Brown, Senior Director Analyst, Gartner for Marketers. “Above all, strong communication will greatly enhance your chances of success.”

Doing so requires a strong six-phase plan for the first 100 days. Together, the six overlapping phases enable the CMO to establish clear expectations with the CEO, talk with customers, assess the marketing team, establish priorities, build key relationships and show quick wins.


“The Communicate phase spans the full transition and is critical for success.”

This Gartner roadmap illustrates the CMO's first 100 days.

Communicate phase (Days 0 to 100)

The Communicate phase spans the full transition and is critical for success. Focus on communication elements in each of the distinct phases, from interviewing key stakeholders and the CEO before Day 1 to using data to tell your story to reviewing key performance indicators in the Measure phase.

Prepare (Days −10 to 15)

The Prepare phase is all about assessing, or reassessing, cultural fit with the organization, understanding CEO expectations and developing a conversational fluency. Ensure that expectations are aligned and check for passion. Can you envision yourself as the single most passionate brand ambassador on the payroll?

Assess (Days 0 to 30)

Use the Assess phase to determine corporate goals and priorities, assess organizational structure and staffing, establish agency relationships and meet with customers. Use the first 30 days to conduct a maturity assessment and evaluate marketing spend. In this phase, it’s also important to share your process and time frame while keeping stakeholders apprised.

The Annual CMO Spend Research Webinar 2019-2020

What this year’s trends mean for marketers

Plan (Days 15 to 45)

Use the Plan phase, which overlaps with the Assess phase, to baseline the marketing strategy, identify critical imperatives, assess and address capacity for change, and develop plans for early wins. Even though you’re starting to see some patterns form, don’t get ahead of yourself. It will take time to fully understand organizational dynamics at the proper depth before you can feel comfortable making larger, more sweeping decisions.

Act (Days 30 to 80)

In the Act phase, communicate and prove your strategic assertions, gain trust and gather operational feedback. By this time you’ll have a grounded point of view on what needs to get done and the discipline to contain your enthusiasm to a series of time- and resource-bound areas of focus. Kick off a test project from your marketing plan and meet daily with your test project team to detail the accomplishments from yesterday, priorities for today and any roadblocks to progress.

Measure (Days 45 to 100)

In the Measure phase, assess outcomes relative to your 100-day onboarding plan, identify new insights, showcase early wins, roll out new organizational refinements and update processes. Prepare a short presentation for stakeholders that tells the story of project outcomes and key findings in simple and summarized terms.


This article was updated from the original, published on September 4, 2018, to reflect new events, conditions or research.

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