Digital Leadership Academy

Where marketing executives define the trends and opportunities to improve digital health

Expand your knowledge and your network

Get inspired and educated at Gartner for Marketers Digital Leadership Academy, where senior-level decision makers explore the leading business trends and opportunities that are impacting their organizations — across retail, fashion, CPG, beauty, financial services, consumer electronics, pharma, auto, manufacturing, jewelry and more. Join globally recognized scholars, industry experts, and Gartner analysts and experts for this exclusive opportunity.

The Digital Leadership Academy is an exclusive, select-client-only event. Members are encouraged to nominate promising digital leaders in their organization to attend.

400+ attendees per location

80+ companies and brands

One-to-one office hours with Gartner experts


8:00 - 9:00 AM
Registration & Breakfast


9:00 - 9:15 AM
Welcome Speech & Key Theme of the Day

Levin Somaya- Practice Vice President, Gartner


9:15 - 10:00
Leading Cultural Change for Digital Transformation

Herminia Ibarra- Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London Business School

Most leaders today are trying to do the same things: Help their organisations become more agile, more innovative, more digitally savvy, and more customer-centric. But, sooner or later, they come up against entrenched values and behaviours, and progress stalls. Traditional mindsets and “ways of doing things around here” impede the cultural changes necessary for any real transformation to occur. In this keynote, I draw on several business case studies to show the leadership actions that can make or break the success of our efforts for more flexible, nimble and innovative organisations.


10:00 - 10:40
The Psychology Behind Persuasive Brands

Nathalie Nahai- Author & Web Psychologist

Customers are expecting more and more from the brands they interact with, but the online environment is becoming increasingly complex. With expectations of personalization and convenience coming into tension with concerns for privacy and data control, how can brands succeed? In this talk, you’ll discover how to ethically apply psychological principles to your marketing, website and product design to help build trust, create rewarding customer experiences and stand out from the competition.


10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break
11:10 - 11:40
Breakout 1a: What will Amazon Disrupt Next?

Oweise Khazi- Director, Research Gartner

Amazon’s retail growth has slowed, and the digital giant is shifting targets to drive profitability by focusing on businesses such as Advertising, Distribution and Private Label. Amazon has the potential to disrupt e-commerce once again and brands would be wise to gauge its impact as the digital enterprise makes significant moves outside of “traditional retail”. This session will cover strategic trends while tackling key questions executives must answer: • How do brands’ tap into Amazon’s advertising growth and media offerings? • What impact will Amazon’s Private Label have on brands’ sector? • How will Amazon’s expanding distribution footprint disrupt retail?


11:10 - 11:40
Breakout 1b: Crafting a "Genius" Content Strategy

Jessica DervynSenior Principal, Advisory Gartner

Eleni LeeSenior Principal, Advisory Gartner

The demand for brands to create rich, engaging content is higher than ever, but only a few organisations have a clear and documented content strategy aligned to business goals. In this session we will explore how to: 1. Create and optimise platform-specific assets that resonate with consumers’ behaviours. 2. Understand how to measure and evaluate your content performance. 3. Implement internal mechanisms to develop and deploy content efficiently.


11:40 - 11:50
Travel Time


11:50 - 12:20
Breakout 2a: "Disrupting" the Digital IQ

Becca EdelmanSenior Principal, Advisory

Small, disruptive brands are one of the fastest-growing segments of most consumer industries in the UK. Whereas large organizations often get stuck on the “what” as in “What can we do within brand or enterprise guidelines?”, small brands are focusing on the “How” as in “How to meet the demands of today’s consumer?”. These small brands are rethinking what the consumer-brand relationship looks like throughout all aspects of digital. We will explore what strategies these brands are using to set the bar across brand site, digital marketing, e-commerce and social media.


11:50 - 12:20
Breakout 2b: The Art of E-Commerce

Gregorio Ossola- Principal, Research Gartner

Online retailing is gaining momentum across Europe. As online revenues continue to grow, more disruptor brands are flooding online platforms, heightening the competition for consumer’s attention. Understanding what moves the needle on online retailers is increasingly a crucial component for brands’ digital success. This session will examine the key changes in the retail space, offer predictions on what to expect over the next year, and provide best-in-class strategies to help brands stay ahead of the curve, ensuring future business success.


12:20 - 13:20
13:20 - 14:00
From Vulnerability to Control: Retaking the Initiative in the Digital Age

Carl Miller- Research Director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media

This talk is about the over-looked, misunderstood or ignored disruptive impetuses of the digital age that matter and that consumer brands need to hear. In part, because they are changing their consumers. In part, because they open up genuinely new opportunities and ways for brands to confront the challenges they face. We’ll thread three different stories together: each revealing a different truth about the digital age that consumer brands have to understand, followed by the key implications this entails.

14:00 -14:10
Travel Time


14:10 - 14:50
Breakout 3a: The Future of Retail Through the Lenses of China

Danielle Bailey- Managing Vice President, Gartner

The digital future of retail is now—it’s just not here. While US retailers' adaptation to a digital world has often been slow and painful, China has emerged as an international hotbed for innovation. The China market is racing ahead to become the world’s omnichannel capital and it functions as a global testing ground for brands’ most forward-thinking digital initiatives. This session will examine how global brands can look to what’s happening in the China market as a digital bellwether for retail globally in key areas like mobile payment, AI, e-tailers’ new offline initiatives, social commerce, smart stores and more.


14:10 - 14:50
Breakout 3b: Winning Gen Z on Digital Touch-Points

Bo Kim- Principal, Advisory Gartner

Traci Croft- Director, Advisory Gartner

How do the next generation of young people — Gen Z — differ from the previous generation of Millennials? What global and local values define them, what platforms are they drawn to, and what brands are winning the battle to attract and engage with them? To future-proof your business, marketers must increase their understanding of this next generation. This session will share how the best-in-class brands are targeting the Gen Z cohort using digital channels to strengthen brand awareness, fuel conversion and foster loyalty.


14:50 - 15:00
Travel Time


15:00 - 15:30
Breakout 4a: Building Consumer Experiences That Drive Revenue Growth

Alex De Frusac Gash- Director, Advisory Gartner

Brent Adamson- Distinguished Vice President, Gartner

According to our research, improving customer loyalty and driving repeat purchases are the top marketing objectives for B2C CMOs in 2020 — perhaps unsurprisingly given a changing competitive landscape and consumers who are increasingly willing to try new products and services. To make progress against these objectives, many marketing leaders are focusing on creating "sticky", valuable customer experiences that increase brand love and engage customers to buy more from their brands. However, these efforts often fail to yield expected results. This session will focus on how to balance empowering consumers with the information that they crave. This meeting will help B2C marketing leaders answer the following questions:

  • What are the best practices in creating engaging consumer experiences?
  • How can we build enduring customer relationships to drive revenue growth?


15:00 - 15:30
Breakout 4b: Maximise your Social Platforms & Influencer Strategies for 2020

Aisling McKeon- Senior Principal, Advisory Gartner

Matt Moorut- Principal, Advisory Gartner

Social media continues to be an ever-changing, hypercompetitive space where advertising best practices collide with platform proliferation and generationally-varied consumer usage. To provide high-value insights into social media marketing, Gartner L2 benchmarked 397 brands across 12 sectors based on their tactics to deploy content and enable both commerce and service. In this session, we will showcase the findings of this research, examining the shifting social landscape, providing case studies and best practices on how brands can effectively leverage the power of the social platforms themselves as well as the influencer economy.


15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break


16:00 - 16:45
Gartner Top Trends and Marketing Predictions for 2020

Jennifer Polk- VP Analyst, Gartner

Top Trends alert marketers to major shifts in consumer behaviour, attitude or context impacting brands in the foreseeable future. In this talk we’ll explore Gartner’s key Marketing Predictions for 2020 and discuss: a) What major changes to expect from consumers and consequently how this will impact current marketing practices. b) How to brace your brand and be prepared for the year ahead.


16:45 - 17:00
Closing speech

Levin Somaya- Practice Vice President, Gartner


17:00 - 19:00
Networking Cocktail Reception
*Agenda subject to change
8:00 - 9:00 AM
Registration & Breakfast
9:00 - 9:40 AM
Who is Doing This Well?

Maureen Mullen- Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder/ Gartner L2

Through an examination of in-market case studies this session will provide a window into the best practices and innovations shaping digital in 2019.


9:40 - 10:25 AM
Dream Teams and the Science of Breakthrough Collaboration

Shane Snow- Author, Business and Science Journalist, and Human Explorer

This keynote performance will change the way you think about people, progress, and collaboration. Shane takes audiences on a rollicking adventure, revealing the secrets of the world’s most successful teams and coalitions in history. You’ll learn about the surprising factor behind most failed mergers and marriages; how a certain method of fighting is more useful than brainstorming; how leveraging “cognitive diversity” helps groups outmatch competitors; the science of becoming open-minded—and the outsize effect it has on group success; and the counter-intuitive truths about becoming better team players ourselves.

10:25 - 10:45 AM
10:45 - 11:25 AM
Option A: Building a 'Genius' Marketing Analytics Organization

Christi Eubanks- Managing Vice President / Gartner

Analytics professionals are a fixture of modern marketing departments, helping to operationalize marketing and customer data. Marketers have high expectations for their teams’ digital maturity and adoption of big data. These aspirations are motivating marketing leaders to aggressively fill quant roles. This session explores questions marketing leaders must answer, including: How do you build a team today that is adaptive and equipped to solve the problems of tomorrow? • What role profiles should you fill on your marketing analytics team? • How do you identify top talent? • How do you build your team’s skills for the future?


10:45 - 11:25 AM
Option B: Upper Class Income, Middle Class Identification: Decoding the Core Values of the Affluent Consumer

Derek Stubbs- Senior Director Analyst / Gartner

Affluent consumers ($250k HHI ) are crucial for brands. Problem is: Most brands target affluent consumers with imagery and messaging that not only fails to resonate with but actually alienates higher-income consumers. In this session, you’ll learn: What truly matters to the affluent consumer; Why is it so important to get affluent consumer right; How can you align brand values and messages with affluent consumers' priorities.


11:35 - 12:15 PM
Option A: The Future of Retail Through the Lens of China

Danielle Bailey- Managing Vice President / Gartner L2

The digital future of retail is now—it’s just not here. While US retailers' adaptation to a digital world has often been slow and painful, China has emerged as an international hotbed for innovation. Racing ahead to become the world’s omnichannel capital, the China market functions as a global testing ground for brands’ most forward-thinking digital initiatives. This session will examine how global brands can look to what’s happening in the China market as a digital bellwether for retail globally in key areas like mobile payment, AI, e-tailers’ new offline initiatives, social commerce, smart stores and more.


11:35 - 12:15 PM
Option B: Building Loyalty Through Salient Experience Design

Richard DeLisi- VP, Advisory / Gartner

While virtually every organization has prioritized “customer experience” as a critical differentiator, the vast majority of CX projects have created disappointing results. The explanation? Most companies have grossly misinterpreted the concept of “brand connection”—what it is, where it comes from and how to activate it. In this session, you will learn how to capitalize on the science of salience to create memorable experiences that will lead to stronger brand connection and customer loyalty.


12:15 - 1:15 PM
Networking Lunch


1:15 - 2:00 PM
Five Psychological Principles to Inform a Successful Instagram Strategy

Nathalie Nahai- Author & Web Psychologist

With social channels now one of the primary routes to ecommerce, it’s more vital than ever that brands understand the underlying dynamics that underpin a successful strategy. In this talk, we’ll learn how to apply five of the psychological principles that drive engagement on this platform. From persuasive content to dopamine loops, you’ll come away with scientific insights taken from real examples that you can use to take your Instagram strategy to the next level.


2:10 - 2:50 PM
Option A: What Will Amazon Disrupt Next?

Oweise Khazi- Director, Research / Gartner L2

Bryan VanDyke- Managing Vice President / Gartner

Amazon’s retail growth has slowed down and the digital giant is now shifting targets to drive profitability by focusing on businesses such as Advertising, Distribution and Private Label. Amazon has the potential to once again disrupt Ecommerce and brands would be wise to gauge its impact as it makes significant moves outside of “traditional retail”. This session will cover strategic trends while tackling key questions executives must answer: • How do we tap into Amazon’s advertising growth and media offerings? • What impact can Amazon’s Private Label have on my sector? • Will Amazon’s expanding distribution footprint disrupt my business?


2:10 - 2:50 PM
Option B: Gen Z

Jack Mackinnon- Sr Principal Analyst / Gartner

Gen Z — digital and social media natives — have defined their own rules for digital communication. Brands that wish to engage with this important cohort fail to follow those rules at their own peril. In this session, you’ll learn how culture combines with generational DNA to shape Gen Z’s digital world, which platforms and content types appeal to Gen Z and how to create content Gen Z finds worthy of sharing.


2:50 - 3:50 PM
3:05 - 3:35 PM
Option A: Building Blocks for Best-in-Class Personalization Campaigns

Martha Mathers- Managing Vice President / Gartner

Marketing leaders are heavily invested in scaling personalization. Rather than focusing on building one-to-one capabilities, consumer perceptions of personalization point to a more extensible approach. Marketers who build “tailored help” — personalized messages that provide valuable assistance or support while using a limited number of consumer data dimensions — achieve higher-impact results. In this session, you'll explore the following questions: • What is the commercial potential of “tailored help,” and what are real-world examples? • How can you create a framework for building this type of personalized message? • How can you select the highest-potential data dimensions to amplify your personalization results?


3:05 - 3:35 PM
Option B: Social Platforms & Influencers

Evan Neufeld-  VP, Intelligence Group / Gartner L2

Ben Feldman-  Principal, Advisory/ Gartner L2

We will examine the shifting social media landscape and how brands can leverage the power of their social media followers and the influencer economy. Case studies and best practices from our 2019 Intelligence report will be shared.

3:45 - 4:30 PM
Contagious: Why Things Catch On

Jonah Berger-  Professor / Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

Why do some things catch on? Why do people talk about certain products and ideas more than others? This talk reveals the secret science behind word-of-mouth and social transmission. Discover how six basic principles drive all sorts of things to become popular. If you’ve ever wondered why certain stories get shared, brands get more word of mouth, or ideas spread wildly, this talk will explain why, and show how to leverage these ideas to craft contagious content


4:30 - 5:10 PM
Gartner Top Trends and Marketing Predictions

Jennifer Polk-  VP Analyst/ Gartner

The future promises new insight and advancement in targeting and personalization. Yet, consumers’ tenuous trust in brands and weariness of data misuse threaten to undermine machine-driven intelligence. At the same time, social and environmental issues are gaining mindshare among consumers and shifting expectations of how corporations and brand should respond. Join us as we explore Gartner’s Top Trends and Marketing Predictions to learn: • What are the top trends influencing consumer behavior. • What are the key drivers impacting the future of marketing. • How should you brace your brand and prepare for both.


5:15 - 6:15 PM
Networking Reception

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