
As we honor Black History Month, HRC has released our newest resource, “Coming Out: Living Authentically as Black LGBTQ People.”

We all have something to fight for. Make your voice heard this election year.

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This organization does a great job of fighting for the rights of those of us who are not "the norm".... truly grateful for their efforts and celebrating their success. See More
To "finish off" loved ones, they are devastatingly shattering their health, so they complain so much... about the children that the murderers expect them to forget that they need care and advice, more attention. For what they die before, they suffer more and their children and grandchildren who feel they have been "transgressed by their loved ones" forget them sentimentally and morally because of what the authors make ties of this kind with them. When they realize it will help them to continue transgressing them.

Para "rematar" a los seres queridos les destrozan tajantemente la salud por lo que estos se quejan tanto de los hijos que los asesinos esperan que estos olviden que necesitan cuidados y consejos, más atención. Por lo que mueren antes, sufren más y sus hijos y nietos que sienten que han sido "transgredidos por sus seres queridos" los olvidan sentimental y moralmente por lo que los autores hacen lazos de este tipo con ellos. Cuando se den cuenta les servirá para seguir transgrediéndolos.

Xenophobia, hate and feelings of revenge are a tool to create servants and with this they comment on crimes, conscious or unconscious as they do it with the largest possible audience. Everything is strictly related to money, including research with toxins, from selling these to use them to submit and exterminate groups for pillaging, parallel fury; Eliminate the opposition. Creating a planned friendship with the victims with which they would continue to plunder and steal, avoiding complaints of these.

La xenofobia, el odio y los sentimientos de venganza son una herramienta para crear siervos y con esto que estos comentan los crímenes, conscientes o inconscientes ya que lo hacen con el mayor público posible. Todo tiene relación estrictamente con el dinero, incluído la investigaciónes con las toxinas, desde vender estas a utilizarlas para someter y exterminar a grupos para fururos expolios, paralelos; eliminar a la oposición. Creando una amistad planificada con las víctimas con la que las seguirían expoliando y robando, evitando denuncias de estas.

Another thing for which they consider the murderous Society is for the victims to fear this, corralling them with this and continuing with the executions. So they make you understand that these protect you to isolate you while these are the ones that carry out the executions. So if they start to socialize they instill an unreal world of this while they are socializing. The society does not notice the crime, nor the seriousness of it. Even experimenting in society without being aware of the crime or its seriousness for new crimes, the technique and the "information leaks" of the damage caused to the victim.
It is important to study the victim of what he or she understands from society to accuse and repress it, thus avoiding that those who socialize do not openly discuss what they understand, reducing it to marginal or small groups, with little knowledge.

Otra cosa por la que consideran a la Sociedad asesina es para que las víctimas teman de esta, acorralándolas con esto y seguir con las ejecuciones. Por lo que hacen entender que estos te protegen para aislarte mientras estos son los que realizan las ejecuciones. Así que si estas empiezan a socializar les inculcan un mundo irreal de esta a la vez que van socializando. La sociedad no se percata del crímen, ni de la gravedad de este. Incluso experimentando en sociedad sin que esta percate el crimen o de su gravedad para nuevos crimenes, la técnica y los "escapes de información" de los daños producidos a la víctima.
Es importante estudiar a la víctima de lo que entiende de la sociedad para acusarla y reprimirla, evitando con esto que con los que socialice no se trate abiertamente lo que entiende, reduciéndolo a grupos marginales o pequeños, con pocos conocimientos.

The first process to execute their victims is that many years before, which could be decades, they move their victims away from society, creating even an oenophical feelings towards them. They do this while they enjoy happiness, before they begin to intoxicate them.

El primer proceso para ejecutar a sus víctimas es que muchos años antes, pudiéndo ser décadas, van apartando a sus víctimas de la sociedad creando incluso sentimientos senófogos hacia ellas. Esto lo hacen mientras estas gozan de felicidad, antes de empezar a intoxicarlas.

It is important to understand that there is no other medicine than that recommended by the doctor or that you buy in pharmacies (failing that a recognized brand), and that there are no more advances in this than that which the big pharmaceutical companies achieve with strictly therapeutic purposes without effects About the psyche. So these will deceive you with stories even in this regard, posing as these corporations.
Drugs destroy people, human nature has millions of years of evolution.

Es importante entender que no exite otra medicina que la recomendada por el médico o que compre en las farmacia (en su defecto una marca reconocida), y que no existen más avances en esta que la que las grandes famacéuticas logran con fines estrictamente terapéuticos sin efectos sobre la psique. Por lo que estos le engañarán con historias incluso en este sentido, haciéndose pasar por estas corporaciones.
Las drogas destruyen a las personas, la naturaleza humana tiene millones de años de evolución.

These murderers create chemical and biological weapons and a database for this purpose and begin to accuse disadvantaged people and cultures with less economic resources.
Then they begin to make them understand that they are "modern", that they have acquired the current customs of developed countries, that they are open and do not plot the lives of others, their destiny. Actually it is "blacksmiths" (creators of explavos and / or exploiters of people, exterminators) in the best sense of the word.

Estos asesinos crean armas químicas y biológicas y una base de datos para este propósito y comienzan a acusar a personas y culturas desfavorecidas o con menos recursos económicos.
Luego comienzan a hacer comprender que son "modernos", que han adquirido las costumbres actuales de los países desarrollados, que son abiertos y no traman la vida ajena, su destino. En realidad se trata de "negreros" (creadores de explavos y/o explotadores de personas, exterminadores) en el mejor sentido de la palabra.
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Thank you for working to make America better for so many people who get treated unfairly. There are ...many things that I don't understand in this world, does that mean it's wrong? Some seem to think so. I am a gay man living in Maine with his faince and right now we are dealing with discrimination at his workplace. If the legislature goes through this state this year saying that homosexuality is a crime we won't stand a chance. We need federal protections to ensure this type of hatred can't be done. What can I do to help this cause? See More