For every child, there’s a dream of a successful future. For some children, the dream will only remain as a dream. BINA NUSANTARA Foundation is aware of that fact. The foundation believes that a better life is achievable through a better education. That is the reason why BINUS Foundation incorporates the Teach For Indonesia (TFI) program within its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda.

The TFI program focuses on developing the community’s education with emphasis on non-degree education and skill. This program is supported by individuals, as well as profit, non-profit, and governmental organizations.

Besides philanthropic activities, TFI also focuses on community developmental aspects based on the UN Millennium Development Goals, UN Global Compact Network (BINUS UNIVERSITY is a member of this organization in Indonesia), EQUIS (European International Accreditation System) Community Development Concept, and ISO 2001 Framework of Community Development.

However, as the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Therefore, TFI is actively conducting partnerships with organizations and institutions to widen its programs’ scopes. Through these partnerships, BINA NUSANTARA hopes to be able to create a more significant change to the community, instead of just to the institution itself.

During the years, TFI has conducted programs like training (for teacher certification program and for students), workshops and seminars (both for teachers and students). Other activities, such as scholarship distributions, donations, and campaigns, have also been conducted within the TFI program and public can learn more about TFI through

Every year, BINA NUSANTARA allocates Rp. 7 billion for various scholarship programs. This amount is distributed for talented students (both in academic and non-academic) who are willing to pursue their study at BINUS UNIVERSITY. BINA NUSANTARA also conducts the BINUS Talent Kid Scholarship in the Elementary, Junior, and Senior High School Level.

Another ongoing TFI activity is a partnership with Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB), a non profit organization. BINA NUSANTARA has been supporting the RBCAB (Rumah Belajar Cinta Anak Bangsa), a computer and language course program of YCAB.

BINA NUSANTARA is also actively involved in disaster recovery programs throughout the country like the Merapi recovery program in Yogyakarta, Flood recovery program in Wasior, etc.

Through these activities, BINA NUSANTARA hopes to be able to extend the dream of a successful future nationwide. Hopefully, with continuous support from organizations and individuals, this program will never cease to grow, and BINA NUSANTARA will be able to embrace others towards global success.