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Every month the East Bay WordPress Meetup brings together both newbies and experts to talk about everything WordPress. This meetup is mainly for people who build WordPress sites for a living, though we welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about how to use WordPress.

If there's something you want to learn more about or you are interested in speaking, contact the organizers (https://www.meetup.com/Eastbay-WordPress-Meetup/members/?op=leaders).

See our East Bay WP Meetup website (https://www.eastbaywp.com) for slides and notes from past presentations.

Meeting Format

• Introductions

• Pizza

• Open Q & A

• Main Presentation

Not quite the right meetup for you? If you're looking for hands-on help with WordPress, try the weekly WordPress Support Groups (http://www.meetup.com/Weekly-WordPress-Support-Group/) at Tech Liminal. If your main interest is in becoming a successful blogger, try the San Francisco Blog Club (http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Blog-Club/).

Предстоящие мероприятия (5)

JavaScript Not Required: Converting Complex Client Sites to Gutenberg


The introduction of Gutenberg created a great disturbance in the Force in 2018. Rather than leading WordPress to the Dark Side, however, the block editor gives WordPress developers in 2020 the opportunity to be heroes to our clients in new ways. And thanks to some great tools, you don’t have to learn JavaScript if you don’t want to. Whether you’re thinking of building a new site with the block editor or converting an existing site to blocks, you’ll learn something you can apply: • How to build an attractive site with only core blocks: 2018 and 2020 • How to add Gutenberg support to an existing theme. • Which block collections have the best block for ________ • How ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) blocks give PHP developers superpowers • Two ways to save time and labor with reusable blocks • How to decide when to create a custom post type and when to create a block • How to build block templates for custom post types and why they rock • Keeping your clients on brand with the Gutenberg color palette • Helpful plugins for modifying, exporting, restricting, and locating blocks • What clients love about the block editor—and what they don’t Code examples and other resources will be available so you can review details and get a head start on your own projects. PRESENTED BY Sallie Goetsch, WP Fangirl Note: I will be giving a shortened version of this talk on June 3rd for the Las Lajas WordPress Meetup...at 8am Pacific. If you're a morning person, you can join us at https://www.meetup.com/Las-Lajas-WordPress-Meetup/events/270482662/ Other Note: there have been some new developments with Gutenberg that I haven't had a chance to put into practice yet, so can't demo. Possibly-final Note: If you'd like to look at the website which is the main case study, it's https://www.avenidas.org.

Roles and Capabilities: Deploying WordPress for Scalability

Tech Liminal 3.0

Today, clients want to have more control over their WordPress installations. Their long-term goal is to acquire enough skills and resources to be able to manage their websites. WordPress developers understand these goals are sometimes a bit aspirational. However, as good partners, it is our job to configure WordPress towards that end. With that in mind, we will be looking at how to configure WordPress for both collaboration and scale. The session includes discussions, demos, and content related to the following topics: * Understanding the authentication, authorization, and accounting methods of WordPress. * Analyzing WordPress's default roles and capabilities * Creating roles that align with business requirements * Enforcing the "least amount of access required" policy About the Facilitator Jermain Allen is the founder of RTR Digital LLC, a company that specializes in assisting non-profits and small businesses in completing the digital transformation using open source platforms. Before starting his technology consulting business, Jermain was the top-rated technical trainer at the two largest consumer electronics companies in the world. He spent the majority of the last decade traveling the country, training third parties about the technologies that power many of today's most popular devices.

HTML and CSS for WordPress
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Tech Liminal 3.0

Ted Curran has a slide deck ready on this topic and has volunteered to adapt it for WordPress.

Designing Gorgeous Responsive Layouts for WordPress
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Tech Liminal 3.0

We may not be able to discuss both DESIGNING and BUILDING layouts in the same meetup. I'd like to focus this one on what you need to consider when designing a responsive WordPress site: both design principles that apply to any responsive site, and how to incorporate the different elements of a WordPress site. Here are some points I'd like us to cover: • What designers need to know about WordPress before quoting a WordPress project • Why mobile-first design will make your life easier • Card-based layouts and atomic design principles • Device (or layout)-specific content • Navigation • Hero images, background videos, and other design trends I definitely have my own opinions on this, but would love some input from those of you who are real designers. If you're interested in contributing, either email me or comment below.

Прошедшие мероприятия (141)

Gutenberg Blocks and Plugins for Small Businesses


Фотографии (143)

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