June 2016

Concrete Problems in AI Safety

Earlier this week, Google Research (in collaboration with scientists at OpenAI, Stanford and Berkeley) released Concrete Problems in AI Safety, which outlines five technical problems related to accident risk in AI systems. Four of the authors are friends and technical advisors of the Open Philanthropy Project.

We’re very excited about this paper. We highly recommend it to anyone looking to get a sense for the tractability of reducing potential risks from advanced AI (a cause we’ve previously written about) - as well as for what sorts of research we would be most excited to fund in this cause. [node:read-more:link]

History of Philanthropy Case Study: The Founding of the Center for Global Development

Ben Soskis, a consultant who has been working with us as part of our History of Philanthropy project, recently finished a case study on the founding and growth of the Center for Global Development (CGD), a think tank that conducts research on and promotes improvements to rich-world policies that affect the global poor. [node:read-more:link]