

ASTO aims to continuously improve the professional standards of Sail Training staff by providing a number of schemes to assist organisations in further training their Skippers, Mates and Watch Leaders. All sea staff can apply whether they are full time or volunteers.

The Trinity House Career Development Bursary provides funding for RYA and STCW courses. Applicants must hold a Dayskipper practical as a minimum. Full details, eligibility and application via the link.

Details of smaller (under 40 foot) vessels that can be chartered for boat handling experience for candidates working towards YM Coastal and YM Offshore.

ASTO charters that your sea staff can book onto for free.

Online Courses for your staff and volunteers.

Younger sea staff interested in furthering their experience may want to consider the International Exchange scheme sponsored by ASTO, James Myatt Trust, the Australia Britain Society and the Canadian Sail Training Association.



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