2020 Israeli legislative election

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2020 Israeli legislative election
← Sep 2019 2 March 2020

All 120 seats in the Knesset
61 seats needed for a majority
Party Leader Current seats
Blue and White Benny Gantz 33
Likud Benjamin Netanyahu 32
Joint List Ayman Odeh 13
Shas Aryeh Deri 9
Yisrael Beiteinu Avigdor Lieberman 8
UTJ Yaakov Litzman 7
Labor-Gesher Amir Peretz 6
Democratic Union Nitzan Horowitz 5
Jewish Home-Nat. Union Rafi Peretz 4
New Right Naftali Bennett 3
Incumbent Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu 2018.jpg Benjamin Netanyahu (caretaker government)

Legislative elections for the 23rd Knesset will be held in Israel on 2 March 2020.[1] According to the relevant Basic Law, the elections were required to be held no later than the third Tuesday of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan four years after the previous election on 17 September 2019, making the latest possible date 31 October 2023.

However, on 11 December 2019, due to the continued failure by all parties to form the country's next government, early elections were called, the third within a year after the September and April 2019 elections. Israeli commentators have expressed fear that the political paralysis is severely weakening public trust in an already highly-polarized political system.[2]


The extended period of political deadlock that led up to the election was the result of close races in April and September 2019 that left both incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Benny Gantz unable to muster a 61-seat governing majority, in coalition with their respective blocs of smaller, ideologically-allied parties.

As a result, Netanyahu and Gantz agreed in principle that the only solution was a national unity government between Netanyahu's Likud and Gantz's Blue and White parties.[3] However, substantial disagreements over the terms of such a government prevented one from being formed, as Netanyahu demanded the inclusion of his allied right-wing, religious parties, and Gantz refused to cooperate with a Netanyahu-led Likud as long as he was under indictment for alleged bribery and fraud.

Orly Adas, director of the Central Elections Committee, cautioned that she lacked the necessary funding and staff to conduct a third election,[4] and President Reuven Rivlin stressed his desire to avoid calling one, repeatedly expressing his dismay at the failure to form a unity government. Nevertheless, as required by the Basic Law, he initiated on 21 November 2019 on a 21-day period in which any member of the Knesset (MK) who received the support of 60 of their fellow lawmakers was allowed to try to form a government. After no MKs succeeded at this task by 11 December, Rivlin was forced to call the new election.[5]

Election date[edit]

With the deadline to form a government ending at 11 December at midnight, elections called 90 days later would be held on 10 March. However, as that would conflict with the Jewish holiday of Purim, the elections would likely be held either one week earlier on 3 March, or one week later on 17 March.[6][4] A Knesset bill would have to be passed to allow the election date to be moved up.[7] The date of 3 March conflicts with an Israeli memorial day, so Likud pushed for an election date of 16 March, while Blue and White wanted an election held on 2 March.[8] The two parties agreed to hold elections on 2 March 2020 and the required Knesset votes took place on 11 and 12 December.[9]


Parliamentary factions[edit]

The table below lists the parliamentary factions represented in the 22nd Knesset.

Name Ideology Symbol Primary demographic Leader September 2019 result
Votes (%) Seats
Blue and White Big tent
פה Benny Gantz 25.94%
33 / 120
Likud National conservatism
National liberalism
מחל Benjamin Netanyahu 25.15%
32 / 120
Joint List Big tent
Minority interests
ודעם Israeli Arabs Ayman Odeh 10.45%
13 / 120
Shas Religious conservatism
שס Sephardi and
Mizrahi Haredim
Aryeh Deri 7.47%
9 / 120
Yisrael Beiteinu Nationalism
ל Russian-speakers Avigdor Lieberman 6.98%
8 / 120
United Torah Judaism Religious conservatism ג Ashkenazi Haredim Yaakov Litzman 6.09%
7 / 120
Jewish Home-National Union Religious Zionism
Religious conservatism
טב Modern Orthodox and
Chardal Jews
Rafi Peretz 5.90%
4 / 120
New Right National conservatism
Economic liberalism
Naftali Bennett[10]
3 / 120
Labor-Gesher Social democracy אמת Amir Peretz 4.80%
6 / 120
Democratic Union Social democracy
מרצ Nitzan Horowitz 4.34%
5 / 120

Public expression of interest[edit]

  • Former members of Zehut announced on 27 November that they will launch a new libertarian-leaning party called the New Liberal Party.[11]
  • Yair Lapid of the Blue and White alliance has indicated that he will abandon a previous agreement to rotate the premiership with Benny Gantz if another election takes place, meaning that only Gantz will be the Blue and White candidate for prime minister.[12]
  • The central committee of the Likud party, on 8 December 2019, voted to cancel the primary for its electoral list.[13] However, an internal Likud court ruled on 19 December that it was unconstitutional, as the Likud constitution would have to be amended if primaries were cancelled.[14] The central committee approved, on 12 December, the holding of a leadership primary for the party on 26 December.[15] The Likud court, on 23 December 2019, overturned the decision to hold a primary for the Knesset slate.[16]
  • Ayelet Shaked announced on 19 December that she will run as part of the New Right, as number two on the parties list.[17] Naftali Bennett of the New Right party has held various meetings with the New Liberal Party (made up of former Zehut activists) to consider an alliance in upcoming election.[18] According to a source, only one New Liberal Party member would be placed in a realistic slot on the parties electoral list.[19]
  • The Labor-Gesher joint list announced on 15 December that it will stay together for the March election.[20] The Israeli Labor Party joint list announced on 15 December that it will keep Amir Peretz as head of the party.[21] Both of the decisions were ratified by the Labor Central Committee on 25 December, in addition to allowing Peretz to select two candidates for the first ten slots on the list, which would bump down other candidates.[22] Activists have appealed the decision to cancel the Labor primaries.[23] Peretz stated in a radio interview with Radio Tzafon on 29 December that Labor-Gesher will run independently.[24]
  • The Jewish Home annnounced on 16 December that it will not hold primaries.[25]
  • The Meretz party decided on 16 December against holding a leadership primary, though it may be held if the party decides to run as part of the Democratic Union again.[26] The party held a vote on 22 December and decided against holding a primary for the Knesset list (instead keeping the same slate of candidates as the previous election) and also confirmed Nitzan Horowitz as leader of the party.[27] It is unclear whether Meretz and Labor will merge or if Meretz will continue to be part of the Democratic Union. Former Meretz MK Mossi Raz does not expect non-Meretz members to rank as high on the party slate if the Democratic Union does continue. Another (non-Meretz) member of the Democratic Union indicated that the Israel Democratic Party could make an independent run for the Knesset.[28] Lapid has pushed for Meretz and Labor-Gesher to merge and strengthen the left wing, which Peretz is open to if the polling near the submission date for electoral lists is favorable.[29] Orly Levy, of the Gesher party, has come out in opposition to a potential Labor-Gesher and Meretz merger.[30] Members of Meretz and the Israel Democratic Party have negotiated "basic understandings" as part of a continuation of their joint run; Yair Golan will likely keep his third slot on the united list.[31]
  • Stav Shaffir announced on 25 December that she will run independently as head of the Green Movement[32], though she is still working on creating an alliance of the Labor Party, Meretz, the Green Party and allies of former prime minister Ehud Barak, going as far as raising the possibility of giving her second slot on the Democratic Union list to Issawi Frej, an Arab member of Meretz.[33]
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir, of Otzma Yehudit, called for a joint list with Otzma, The Jewish Home and Tkuma, which would be the same parties as the list that ran in April of 2019.[34] The Jewish Home and Otzma Yehudit announced on 20 December that they will run on a joint list (later named as the United Jewish Home)[35] and have called on Tkuma to join them.[36] However, Jewish Home leader Rafi Peretz faced backlash on 21 December from over 80 officials of the party (including Jewish Home's "number 2", Moti Yogev) indicating that Peretz reached the deal with Otzma Yehudit unilaterally, and further warning that if the deal was not annulled, they would "convene" the central committee and announce party primaries. (They claim Peretz was against open primaries as he supposedly was afrad of losing his leadership position). They also sought a vote on the merger by the parties' central committee[37], which Peretz agreed to hold on 13 January.[35] Jewish Home has indicated that it wants Yachad to join their joint list with Otzma.[38] The Noam party also wanted to join the list, but The Jewish Home has spurned them and is instead focusing on uniting with Tkuma.[39] According to officials in the New Right, there could be a last-minute united list between itself, Tkuma, The Jewish Home and Otzma Yehudit, depending on what the polling indicates near the deadline for submission of lists.[40]
  • A party calling itself Mishpat Tzedek will be allowed to run in the election, provided that it does not endorse the murder of former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. The party is set up by close relatives of his killer, Yigal Amir.[41]
  • Bezalel Smotrich, of Tkuma, has opposed joining the United Jewish Home list.[42] He and Shaked have met in person to discuss a potential alliance between Tkuma and the New Right.[43]

Not running[edit]

Opinion polls[edit]

This graph shows the polling trends from the 17 September 2019 Israeli legislative election until election day using 4-poll moving average. Scenario polls are not included here.

For parties not crossing the electoral threshold (currently 3.25%) in any given poll, the number of seats is calculated as a percentage of the 120 total seats.


  1. ^ Jonathan Lis (12 December 2019). "Israel to Hold Unprecedented Third Election in a Year After Knesset Dissolves". Haaretz.
  2. ^ "Real Voter Fraud Will Be a Third Israel Election. We Shouldn't Let It Happen". Haaretz. 18 September 2019. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
  3. ^ Staff writer (19 September 2019). "Gantz urges Rivlin to help ensure Israel does not go to third election". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
  4. ^ a b Staff writer (6 December 2019). "Knesset legal adviser says March 3 set as date for possible 3rd elections". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 6 December 2019.
  5. ^ Gil Hoffman (21 November 2019). "Rivlin hands over mandate, begs MKs to prevent third election". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  6. ^ Lahav Harkov (21 November 2019). "Marching to Another Election". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 23 November 2019.
  7. ^ Gil Hoffman (6 December 2019). "Gantz vows to beat Netanyahu if there are elections". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 6 December 2019.
  8. ^ Gil Hoffman (8 December 2019). "Likud, Blue and White spar over election date". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 8 December 2019.
  9. ^ Staff writer (12 December 2019). "Israel calls another election for March 2, the third in a year". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 11 December 2019.
  10. ^ Nati Yefet (11 September 2019). "Naftali Bennett, not Ayelet Shaked, is chairman of New Right, party bylaws show". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  11. ^ David Rosenberg (27 November 2019). "New Israeli libertarian party to launch next week". Israel National News. Retrieved 11 December 2019.
  12. ^ Raoul Wootliff (9 December 2019). "Lapid gives up rotation deal with Gantz in bid to boost Blue and White". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 9 December 2019.
  13. ^ Lahav Harkov (8 December 2019). "Likud divisions on display in turbulent meeting". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 8 December 2019.
  14. ^ Jacob Magid (18 December 2019). "Likud court strikes down vote to cancel primaries for Knesset roster". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 18 December 2019.
  15. ^ "Israel: Likud Central Committee approves leadership primary on December 26". i24 News. 12 December 2019. Retrieved 12 December 2019.
  16. ^ Gil Hoffman (23 December 2019). "Likud MK Gideon Sa'ar says he wants Benjamin Netanyahu to be president". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 23 December 2019.
  17. ^ Jacob Magid (19 December 2019). "Shaked says she's sticking with New Right as Bennett's No. 2". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 19 December 2019.
  18. ^ Staff writer (1 January 2020). "Bennett eyes alliance with former Zehut activists". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  19. ^ Jeremy Sharon (1 January 2020). "New Right courting former Zehut candidates to add to electoral list". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  20. ^ Staff writer (15 December 2019). "Labor, Gesher say they're sticking together for the March election". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 17 December 2019.
  21. ^ Staff writer (17 December 2019). "Labor votes to keep Amir Peretz at helm". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 17 December 2019.
  22. ^ Raoul Wootliff (25 December 2019). "Labor okays contentious motion letting Peretz reserve 2 candidates of his choice". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 25 December 2019.
  23. ^ Gil Hoffman (21 December 2019). "Endangered Meretz to vote on cancelling primary on Sunday". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 21 December 2019.
  24. ^ "Labor-Gesher to run as independent party in upcoming elections". Arutz Sheva. 29 December 2019. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  25. ^ Staff writer (16 December 2019). "Jewish Home: 'We won't hold new primaries'". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 18 December 2019.
  26. ^ Jonathan Lis (17 December 2019). "Israel's Left-wing Meretz Party to Keep Chairman, Mulls Future of Merger". Haaretz. Retrieved 17 December 2019.
  27. ^ "Meretz to keep Knesset list in upcoming elections". Arutz Sheva. 22 December 2019. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  28. ^ Jacob Magid (22 December 2019). "Failure to unite threatens survival of left-wing parties in March elections". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  29. ^ "Blue and White working to unite Labor-Gesher and Meretz". Arutz Sheva. 24 December 2019. Retrieved 24 December 2019.
  30. ^ Elad Benari (30 December 2019). "Orly Levy against alliance with Meretz: We'll lose seats". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  31. ^ "Yair Golan expected to retain third spot on the Democratic Union list". Arutz Sheva. 30 December 2019. Retrieved 31 December 2019.
  32. ^ Moran Azulay (25 December 2019). "MK Stav Shaffir to head Green Party in coming elections". Ynet. Retrieved 25 December 2019.
  33. ^ Gil Hoffman (29 December 2019). "Shaffir gives up second slot for Arab MK". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  34. ^ Yonah Jeremy Bob (15 December 2019). "Far-right leader Ben-Gvir calls for unity with religious-Zionist parties". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 18 December 2019.
  35. ^ a b Jacob Magid (31 December 2019). "Smotrich says he won't join Jewish Home-Otzma Yehudit merger 'at any cost'". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 31 December 2019.
  36. ^ Hezki Baruch (20 December 2019). "Jewish Home, Otzma Yehudit agree to joint run". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 20 December 2019.
  37. ^ Jacob Magid (21 December 2019). "Jewish Home chief under fire from within his party for merger with Otzma Yehudit". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 21 December 2019.
  38. ^ Mordechai Sones (23 December 2019). "Jewish Home woos Eli Yishai". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 23 December 2019.
  39. ^ Mordechai Sones (23 December 2019). "Jewish Home rejects overture by Har HaMor yeshiva-affiliated party". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 24 December 2019.
  40. ^ David Israel (29 December 2019). "Bennett, Shaked, May Stage Last-Minute Union with Peretz, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich". The Jewish Press. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  41. ^ Staff writer (30 December 2019). "Will party pushing to free Rabin's assassin Yigal Amir be allowed to run in 2020 election?". Arutz Sheva. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  42. ^ "I won't be part of a list that risks not clearing the threshold". Arutz Sheva. 31 December 2019. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  43. ^ "New Right, National Union considering joint run". Arutz Sheva. 1 January 2020. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  44. ^ Michael Bachner (13 December 2019). "Moshe Feiglin says his right-wing Zehut party won't run in March elections". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 13 December 2019.