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Audience Network

Last updated: Jun 12, 2019

About Audience Network

Are you a publisher or app developer? Learn more about Audience Network for publishers.

Audience Network allows advertisers to extend Facebook and Instagram campaigns across the internet - onto thousands of high-quality websites and apps.

People spend a lot of their time on Facebook and Instagram. But they are also spending time on other apps and sites. Audience Network helps advertisers reach more of the people they care about in the other places where they're spending their time.

In a Facebook ad campaign study, conversion rates were 8x higher among people who saw ads across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network than people who only saw the ads on Facebook. Learn more

Audience Network ads use the same targeting, auction, delivery and measurement systems as Facebook ads.

Supported Objectives

Audience Network currently supports the following objectives:

  • Brand awareness (video only)
  • Reach (video only)
  • Traffic
  • Engagement (video only)
  • App installs
  • Video views (video only)
  • Conversions
  • Catalog sales

The behavior of an ad after it's clicked on depends on the type of ad objective an advertiser chooses. When someone clicks on an ad, depending on the ad objective, what will happen is:

  • The ad will open a link in a new browser window
  • The ad will prompt someone to install an app
  • The ad will launch an existing app on their mobile device

Audience Network supports video and image ads. Note that creative and placement eligibility varies across objectives.

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Audience Network