Facebook for Business


Get started with Messenger.

Four steps to get the most from Messenger.

PLAN Start with a clear business objective.

CREATE Build your Messenger experience.

REACH Help people discover your business on Messenger.

OPTIMIZE Learn what works and find new ways to communicate.


Get ready to get personal.

Before adding Messenger to your marketing strategy, you’ll want to clearly define your business objective and audience.

What problem are you solving?

Different goals, different approaches. Whether your objective is awareness, consideration, conversion or care, Messenger can help you close the gap between intent and action.

Who do you want to talk to?

Defining a target audience for your Messenger experience is important in making sure the right people find your business and start a conversation.

Why should they talk to you?

From helping your customers find gifts for their loved ones to keeping them updated on shipping updates, defining your unique Messenger experience will encourage them to start the conversation.

Have conversations with your customers at any time when they need it most through Messenger.
Create an enjoyable experience for customers that will create following and engagement.

Identify the best approach for using Messenger.

For a simple live chat experience, start by turning on Page messaging to respond to customers manually. To easily automate responses, use Page messaging tools like greetings, Instant Replies and Away Messages. You can also integrate Messenger with your live chat provider. To learn more about the basics, check out the Help Center.

For an automated experience, leverage the automated question experience in Facebook Ads Manager or partner with a developer who builds chat templates for specific industry use cases and objectives. To find the right third-party partner, check out Solutions Explorer.

For a custom experience, engage with a third-party developer to build, manage and maintain an experience that accomplishes your business goal and includes a hand-off to live chat if applicable.

To learn more about crafting an effective Messenger experience, read Three Tips to Master Messaging with Your Customers.


Bring people to the conversation.

Conversations are a two-way street. You can use Messenger entry points and ads to let people know you’re available to chat.

Messenger entry points

Start by adding a Send Message button to your Facebook Page and posts. Next, explore a variety of conversation entry points you can place on your website, email or even physical storefront or packaging.

Messenger ads

You can also create ads that bring people to the conversation. Ads that click to Messenger appear on Facebook, Instagram or Messenger and send people into a Messenger conversation with your business. Learn more about reaching people with Messenger ads.

Messenger can be used for businesses to reach customers and drive conversations that capture attention.
Businesses can learn how to improve and drive communication with customers through testing with Messenger.

Test, learn and iterate.

By evaluating how Messenger performs, you can learn what works and find new ways to connect with customers in conversation. Here are a few things to try:


Experiment with every aspect of your Messenger experience, from the welcome greeting and videos you share, to the way updates are delivered in conversation.


Discover how your campaigns are performing using messaging metrics. Get even more specific Messenger results in Facebook Analytics.


Once you know what works, discover new challenges to solve with conversation, and keep optimizing your Messenger presence to reach new audiences.

Messenger courses

Learn how to build better Messenger relationships with these free courses.

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