Facebook for Business
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Creative considerations for building great ads on mobile.

Get tips on how to tell your business’s story authentically and strategically.

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Showcase your brand — early and often

The first few seconds of your ad matter, a lot. The most effective mobile-first video ads include branding in the first three seconds and convey a brand’s key message in a quick, easy to understand and attention-grabbing way.1

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Design for sound-off, but delight with sound-on

Successful videos designed for sound-off are visually delightful, with a clear focal point and a super-clear message. Yet 60% of global Instagram Stories ads are viewed with sound-on2, so add an auditory experience to your ad as well.

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Every moment is a chance to capture attention

With audiences swiping quickly through their feeds, your brand must make a real impact in just a few seconds. Bring your most exciting frame to the front. People consume content 41% faster on mobile News Feed than on desktop News Feed and recall content at a significantly higher rate.3

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Find the balance between the message and time

A mobile-first approach requires a different type of storytelling. Make your videos as short as they can be and as long as they need to be. But note: shorter is better. Ads under 15 seconds work best in feed, and the top performing Stories ads are under 10 seconds in length.4

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Build for where people are

Get playful with video framing and maximize the real estate mobile video allows. People use their phones vertically 98% of the time5, so build ads to match how people consume content.

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Get out of your comfort zone—and experiment

Top performing mobile ads have an element of surprise. Introducing strong design elements may seem intimidating, but it can make ads more effective. Be creative and test, learn, and adapt.6

Discover resources that can help you create ads people love.

Start experimenting with these easy-to-use tools.

Curated by Facebook
Curated by Facebook

Curated by Facebook brings you stories, profiles, and special features on the creative people, brands, and ideas shaping digital culture, so you can get inspired to share your own work. Learn more about this channel and submit your own creative work.

Find tips for mobile ads with Facebook Mobile Studio
Mobile Studio

What do you absolutely need to make a great ad? Your phone. Find apps to help you tell powerful stories about your brand.

Get specs on Facebook advertising with the Facebook Ads Guide
Ads Guide

Learn about the format, placement, specs, and requirements for different types of ads available across Facebook’s platforms.

Elevate and scale your creative production on the Creative Platform Partners site
Creative Platform Partners

We know that building mobile creative isn't always easy. Creative Platform Partners offer an array of solutions to meet your needs and can elevate and scale your creative production.

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