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Call-to-Action Ads

Last updated: Nov 6, 2019

About Call-to-Action Ads

A call-to-action ad promotes your Page's call-to-action button. The button encourages people to take an action that is important to your business, such as booking appointments or shopping on your website.

For example, if you add the Shop Now button to your Page, the button encourages people to shop. The corresponding call-to-action ad promotes the Shop Now button to a wider audience.

Browse the categories below to select the right call-to-action based on your business goals.

Note: If you want to accomplish a different goal, you may need to create a different ad from your Page.


  • Business goal: You want people to schedule appointments or make reservations through your Page.
  • Call-to-Action: Book Now


  • Business goal: You want people to contact you on Facebook Messenger or through another form of contact, such as email or phone.
  • Call-to-Action: Call Now, Contact Us, Send Email, Send Message or Sign Up


  • Business goal: You want people to download your app or play your game.
  • Call-to-Action: Play Game or Use App


  • Business goal: You want people to watch an informational video or read more about your business on your website.
  • Call-to-Action: Learn More or Watch Video


  • Business goal: You want people to shop on your website.
  • Call-to-Action: See Offers or Shop Now

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Call-to-Action Ads