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Global Pages

Last updated: Dec 12, 2019

About Global Pages

This feature may not be available to you right now. Global Pages are only available to managed Facebook clients.

Global Pages let your business provide localized versions of content for your customers all over the world with one universal brand name and the same vanity URL for each Page. You can also share total fan count and global insights across your entire fan base.

With Global Pages, you can post content that’s meaningful for an audience in one location, and share different content that’s just as relevant for an audience in another location. For example, you can share seasonal sales in one location, while reporting store closures for a holiday in another location.

There are three types of Pages in the Global Pages structure:

  • Default Page: The primary Page of your Global Pages structure is the default Page. This is where a user will be redirected if they do not meet any of the criteria an advertiser sets for their market Pages. The default Page also acts as the main username for a Page structure (such as www.facebook.com/brand). When people navigate to a default Page, they’ll be redirected to a market Page if they meet the criteria.
    • Posts you make on your default Page will not be shared to market Pages.
  • Market Pages: You can have an unlimited number of market Pages, and you can customize which Page users get redirected to based on their location and language. You can also manually edit the targeting for each market Page.
    • Location is determined through a combination of inputs, such as current IP address and profile information.
    • Language is determined by the language a person set up when they created their Facebook profile. For example, if a user is using Facebook in English, we consider them an English speaker.
    • Each market Page is independent, with its own Inbox, admins, timeline, apps, profile picture and cover photo, etc.
    • The name and category for each market Page must match the default Page. You will be given the option to complete this step when creating your market Page.
    • If you create a new market Page for an existing Page that is not part of the Global Pages structure, you cannot transfer posts to the new Page.
  • Root Page: This is where insights are aggregated for all Global Pages. The root Page is not visible to admins or to the public.
Note: A Global Page structure is for audiences with different regions or languages. If your business has multiple physical locations, you may need to create Store Location Pages.

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Global Pages