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Payouts and Financial Reporting

Last updated: Dec 3, 2019

About Payouts and Taxes in Commerce Manager

Commerce Manager is currently limited to US sellers.

As a seller on Commerce Manager, you can collect payouts for sales that happen on Facebook or Instagram. To get set up for payouts, you need to provide:

  • US bank account info and a physical business address for tax documents
  • An email address for payment and order notifications
  • A business category to describe the types of items sold
  • A State Tax Registration Number for states with a business presence
  • Tax and business representative information

How and when you get paid

Sellers must ship orders within 3 business days and mark it as shipped in Commerce Manager. Marking orders as shipped starts the payout process.

For orders with multiple items, you can mark individual items as shipped if you need to ship items separately. You’ll be paid out for each shipment of an order.

We work with payment processors to handle all checkout transactions. Sellers usually get paid within 8 to 10 business days of shipping an order. In unusual circumstances, payouts may take up to 30 days.

In Commerce Manager, Payouts shows you these details:

  • Balance
  • Payout history
  • Payout ID
  • Expected payout date
  • Amount

All payouts are in US dollars and sent to a valid US bank account. You can edit bank account info in Settings.

Note: Your business is the Sub-merchant of Record, and the payment processor is the main Merchant of Record.

How we handle sales tax

To determine sales tax, we consider several factors including but not limited to:

  • The shipping destination for an order
  • The location from which an order is shipped from to a customer
  • The product categories the seller mapped for the product
  • Whether or not the seller has tax collection obligation in the state
  • Whether the sale happens in a marketplace facilitator state (transferring the tax collection obligation to Facebook)

You're required to set up this information in the Tax tab in Commerce Manager and keep it current. To help with accounting, we offer financial reports and tax forms you can download.

Learn more

How to get started with Facebook Commerce Manager.How to get started with Facebook Commerce Manager.How to get started with Facebook Commerce Manager.

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Payouts and Financial Reporting