Cost Optimization — Not Cost Cutting — for Growth

Why being bold and taking the offense is the key to managing costs

When cost pressure hits from any front, it’s tempting to take a defensive approach: Cut your way to growth by slowing down, or even cancelling, ambitious projects and investments.

However, Gartner research shows that the best companies proactively take a strategic approach to cost optimization. As a result, while many of their peers stall, these companies actually grow when faced with cost headwinds.

Successful companies put a cost optimization plan in place 

  • 60 companies classified as “Efficient Growth” optimized costs strategically
  • Following a recession, they posted 13% EBITDA growth rate compared to all others, who posted -1%, setting them up for long-term growth

The best companies and leaders optimize costs to fund innovation and growth

Executive leaders across the enterprise play a pivotal role in this strategy: They recognize that cost discipline is critical to driving growth and innovation, and so they position their organizations to prosper ahead of times of change. But how exactly do they do it? 

Deliver cost optimization strategies for your function