Students at Wolfson College
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A modern and egalitarian college
Discover Wolfson & Oxford
Your home at Oxford

Founded in 1966, Wolfson College is one of the University of Oxford's largest graduate colleges and truly unique in its academic scope and international reach. Find out what our students think about their life and home at Wolfson.

International Mother Language Day

In recognition of International Mother Language Day 2019, Wolfson College has put together a video featuring students talking in their mother language. From Bengali to Hungarian, British Sign Language to Dutch, ten different languages are highlighted in this video. Wolfson College's graduate students represent over seventy-five countries, making it one of the most internationally diverse colleges in Oxford.

International graduates at Oxford

Around two thirds of our graduate students are international. Our prospective graduates often have questions for us about what it's like to come to Oxford and live in the UK, so the University Graduate Office has put together some answers.


The latest from Wolfson College

16 December 2019
College Record 2019

Our 2019 edition of the College's Record is now available. 

Elephant nose fish
12 December 2019
Secret of Skins

Sarah Skeels, Wolfson student, appears in the new BBC Four natural history documentary, called Secret of Skins

25 November 2019
Wolfson alumnus Michael Rands appointed Master of Darwin College

Congratulations to Dr Michael Rands, Wolfson alumnus, who has been appointed Master of Darwin College. 

Our upcoming events

Lectures and Seminars
19 - 19
Dec Dec
Accessing and Analysing Culturally Sensitive Content: Data Capsules, Extracted F...
Thursday 19 December - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

The long-term goal of the Ātea Project — which is part of New Zealand’s National Science Challenges — is to help build prosperous, culturally thriving and technology-driven Māori economies for future generations.

Art Exhibition
07 - 25
Jan Mar
Haiku poetry composed by the President, with illustrations
Tuesday 7 January - 9:00am to Wednesday 25 March - 4:00pm

This exhibition is located in the corridor between the Buttery and the Cafe. 

16 - 18
Jan Jan
From Concept to Monument: Time and Cost of Construction in the Ancient World
Thursday 16 January - 1:00pm to Saturday 18 January - 6:30pm

The conference sets an exclusive focus on modelling the costs of construction over the course of 1,500 years, from Archaic Greece to the early middle ages. Over the last decade, the general interest in building costs and organisational aspects of historical construction has seen a rise in popularity amongst scholars working on pre-modern architecture.

Jon Stallworthy
To honour the life of Professor Jon Stallworthy we want to endow the Jon Stallworthy Poetry Prize for Oxford graduate students.
Getting here
Shuttle Bus
Public Transport

Whether you are in town for an open day or simply want to join one of the many seminars and talks happening here, we invite you to explore our College and community. Take a tour, attend a concert, or stroll through our gardens and our buildings, with their award-winning architecture.

Wolfson College,
Linton Road, Oxford
The Lodge Reception: +44 (0) 1865 274 100
Wolfson College
Mon-Sat: 9am–9pm

A minibus service runs for College members between the College and the city centre every 20 minutes in the early morning, early afternoon, late afternoon and early evenings on Mondays to Fridays. Learn more. 

Nearby public transport
Buses to and from the city centre are numerous and frequent, and leave from the end of Linton Road. All buses from the College into town stop on St Giles’ and most buses from the centre to Summertown along Banbury Road stop at the end of Linton Road. For timetables and fares, visit The Oxford Bus Company or Stagecoach websites.