About Us

Mission Statement

Public Knowledge promotes freedom of expression, an open internet, and access to affordable communications tools and creative works. We work to shape policy on behalf of the public interest.

Our Core Work

Public Knowledge works at the intersection of copyright, telecommunications, and internet law, at a time when these fields are converging. PK’s experience in all three areas puts it in an ideal position to advocate for policies that serve the public interest. Learn more about how we choose issues to promote the public interest.

What Public Knowledge does:

  • Ensure universal access to affordable and open networks
  • Promote creativity through balanced copyright
  • Advance government transparency and the public’s access to knowledge
  • Uphold and protect consumer rights
  • Oppose policies that would slow technology, impede innovation, shrink the public domain, or limit fair use
  • Educate the press, the public, and policymakers using plain-language analysis, white papers, blog posts, and videos
  • Produce events that provide a forum for policymakers, the public, industry, and the press to exchange ideas about our core issues

Public Knowledge is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Learn more in our latest report.