Customer Experience

Increase customer loyalty and advocacy with smart strategy and investment

Effective CX strategy is an enterprisewide effort

Customer experience (CX) is one of the top 3 areas of marketing investment, so it’s important for marketing leaders to guide and empower everyone across the enterprise to optimize customer interactions.

If you’re customer-first and do it in a smart way, then it can help the company. So what we really coach our clients on is to understand their data, to tie the satisfaction scores back to operational and transactional data, and to be able to tell leaders why it matters.

Augie Ray

VP Analyst, Gartner Research & Advisory

Deliver on high-value customer experience investments

In looking to implement effective customer experience management across the enterprise, Gartner research has found that top marketers need to understand key customer personas, map customer journeys, and design and optimize interactions to deliver innovation.

Insights you can use

Gartner’s experienced experts, backed by unbiased data, will support you in protecting your investment and developing a CX strategy that wins with customers and your C-suite.

Understand your customers’ needs, expectations and perceptions

The brands best able to help customers either do something or feel something will win customer loyalty, which is why personalization efforts must prioritize help. Learn how brands are rethinking personalization to achieve far better business results.

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Plan for, prioritize and execute successful CX plans

Journey maps are essential to maximizing customer experience. Effective customer journey maps inform marketing strategy. Yet, almost one-third of marketers find it challenging to incorporate them into their overall CX plans. Create accurate customer journey maps to your customer experience framework.

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Measure and communicate the ways CX impacts your business

81% of marketers say their companies will compete on the basis of CX in two years. Most are destined to underdeliver. Watch Augie Ray, Gartner VP Analyst, address the four common mistakes that marketers should strive to avoid when looking to deliver value and making CX matter to leadership.

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Gartner Marketing Symposium/Xpo™

Catch up on the top insights and trends that CMOs and marketing leaders were talking about at this year’s Marketing Symposium. How are you marketing to Gen Z? Does your marketing strategy prioritize help? How do you build a genius marketing organization? Get the insights from Marketing Symposium/Xpo to understand the top trends that marketers are caring about now.

In 2017, we went out to San Diego, and the term we always use is that the light seemed to go on for us at that point in time.

Jim Pendergast

Sr Vice President, Customer Experience, AARP

AARP Takes on Differentiated CX for Their Increasingly Tech-Savvy Members

AARP saw the opportunity to deliver differentiated value that built on their reputation for exceptional customer service in digital. The AARP Member Experience Team recognized that major change was required from a technology, data and governance perspective to go from 25 years of a direct mail strategy to a personalized experience in the digital world.

Gartner Topic Experts

We understand your challenges. We’ve been there. Our experts bring fresh ideas and best practices from years of success in the field — providing you with the confidence to lead boldly and help your team execute.

Richard A DeLisi
VP, Advisory

Laurel Erickson
Senior Director Analyst

Andrew Frank
Distinguished VP Analyst

Charles S. Golvin
Senior Director Analyst

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