We serve the

public conversation.

We serve the public conversation because it’s the best way to connect, debate, learn, and solve problems. Joining the team today means you’ll have an impact on the conversation of tomorrow. It's not always easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. We serve by promoting a culture of flexibility and autonomy. These principles guide us.

Promote #health
A healthy workplace sustains a healthy platform. And a healthy platform leads to productive conversations.

Earn #trust
To invite more voices, we must earn and keep the trust of those using the service. Likewise, the more our team trusts both the company and each other, the stronger we grow.

Be #straightforward
Straightforward means two things: simple and honest. A Twitter that is both of those things is a Twitter that will endure. We seek straightforwardness in our product and in our culture.

Unite profit and #purpose
A sense of purpose motivates us. Profit is how we expand and improve. Twitter is not a business—it’s a service with a business that keeps it going.

Be #fast, #free, and #fun
Our service is successful when it’s fast, free, and fun to use. Our work culture is a success when we can move fast, feel the freedom to work how we want, and have fun building something meaningful.

Talented, curious people make us what we are. Below you’ll discover a few members of the team. These are just a handful of people whose lives and careers shape Twitter.


Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter

A 360 view of human perspective

God-is loves stories. Stories that surprise us, enlighten us and connect us to all the points of view out there. She came to Twitter in search of a place where all stories can have value and reach, and everyone can tell their own story from their own perspective. It’s why she describes Twitter’s platform as “the greatest sociology project ever launched.”

Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter

Bend, don't break

If you boil a noodle and throw it at the wall, it’ll stick. Melissa thinks of herself as that noodle — she’s been flexible enough to make it through big changes and land at Twitter. But you never know what life is going to throw at you next. Empathy, support and flexibility are the keys to work-life balance.

Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter

Pizza, whales, and being real

Twitter’s transparent culture means that if you ask a question, you’ll get the most truthful answer, even when that answer is “I don’t know.” It’s where trust comes from. No one knows that better than Biz, who thinks Twitter’s “fail whale” moments are just as meaningful as its successes. In the early days of Twitter, a stack of pizzas showed him how being transparent inspires more trust than showing a flawless façade.

Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter

We are #OneTeam

Thaddeus knows what it means to band together and work as one team: it means everyone communicating across all departments to do what’s best for the public conversation. He’s been building start-ups since before “start-ups” were a thing. In 2016, he joined Twitter, where he and his engineers solve sticky problems through Twitter’s spirit of teamwork.

Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter Work life at Twitter

All in the approach

Our past experiences shape the way we approach the opportunities in front of us. Melba’s experiences growing up compelled her to make the most of every one. She pushes herself past her comfort zone every day, whether it’s by mentoring someone early in their career or building tools that help people do what they do, only better.