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The Rockefeller Brothers Fund advances social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.

New York, NY
Beigetreten April 2010


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    "How can foundation philanthropy disentangle itself from the vast infrastructure of economic inequality that birthed it?" RBF President Stephen Heintz explores the impact of the wealth gap on democracy and our common purpose.

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  2. 8. Nov.

    "Only 15% of Americans say that our country’s democracy is doing well. The rest believe it is either facing serious challenges or in crisis." is a movement of mindful patriotism calling us to active civic participation with our democracy.

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    "Our hope was to build a broad, bipartisan constituency for pragmatic, principled, effective, and cooperative US global engagement," President Stephen B. Heintz writes.

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  4. 30. Okt.

    We're glad to work with , , , , , , , and many others as we seek to align our financial assets with our mission of a more sustainable world.

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    29. Okt.

    For the last 6 years we've been working w/ to build & promote community philanthropy globally. Check out our story 👇for more on our work & some of our lessons on collaboration!

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    26. Okt.

    Our , quoted by , saying burning fields were a source of (Belgrade's) in recent days, but that domestic heating and industry emitted almost three-quarters of polluting particles.

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  7. 24. Okt.

    Every year from October until December, the festival showcases the innovative artists from New York City and around the world who animate our cultural landscape. Explore new frontiers of dance, theater, and more at :

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    17. Okt.

    The sector's fundamental financial model doesn't work anymore, so it resorts to flouting the law and scientific distortion says IEEFA director of finance Tom Sanzillo. "The fossil fuel sector has really lost a financial rationale."

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  9. 16. Okt.

    "Want to be in good shape? Besides willpower and equipment, you'll need something else…" Foundation and its partners advocate for clean air in by working to reduce pollution and -causing emissions from dirty fuels.

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    11. Okt.

    The committee sparked controversy yesterday by awarding its 2019 literature prize to Austrian author Peter Handke. Why? He is known to have expressed sympathy for Serbian strongman leader Slobodan Milosevic.

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  11. 9. Okt.

    "How can emissions decline... if oil, gas, & coal companies are committed to actually increasing the supply of fossil fuels?" & Climate Accountability Institute launch the to expose companies perpetuating the crisis.

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  12. 2. Okt.

    "Ecology, sustainability, diversity, and the need to care for and protect one another and our planet are at the core of the Take Care series." Art is a tool to engage with global challenges like at new Arts Center on Governors Island

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    27. Sept.

    Big thoughts coming together at the symposium of scientists and artists collectively addressing climate change, finding innovative ways of working together for ! Presented by studio

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    27. Sept.

    . & announce bold new framework to dramatically reduce in cities, developed in cooperation with . The framework aligns with calls to action from WorldGBC's Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront report

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    26. Sept.

    Edward Mazria's keynote right now at the Summit declares the need for building industry leaders to strive for this transformation, and emphasizes that building materials--concrete + steel looming large among them--are key to building sector decarbonization.

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  16. hat retweetet

    The Hub at may be over, but the week doesn't stop there! With over 350 events in total for the week, there's plenty to be getting involved in over the next few days. Check out our events program to find out more:

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  17. hat retweetet

    "The world's oceans and cryosphere have been taking the heat for climate change for decades," said Ko Barrett, vice chair of . "The consequences for nature and humanity are sweeping and severe."

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    A new report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate has launched today! 🌊 member has stepped up to the challenge by introducing an ocean acidification action plan➡️

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    Op-ed: Researcher found that if ≥3.5% of a population engages in sustained non-violent protest, the movement succeeds overall. In the US, that's 11 million people. Will you be part of the 11 million demanding ? via

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  20. hat retweetet
    24. Sept.

    In the largest ever Global Investor Statement to Governments on , a record 515 institutional investors with $35 trillion AUM urged governments to phase out thermal coal, put a price on carbon and end government subsidies for .

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