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@pytub @trilinos @matlab2tikz
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Popular repositories

  1. Convert matplotlib figures to TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.

    TeX 994 124

  2. input/output for many mesh formats

    Python 531 145

  3. Performance plots for Python code

    Python 411 28

  4. Numerical integration (quadrature, cubature) in Python

    Python 337 33

  5. Gmsh for Python

    Python 301 84

  6. Update BibTeX files with info from online resources.

    Python 283 17

6,392 contributions in the last year

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Mon Wed Fri

Contribution activity

May 2020

Created an issue in nschloe/pygalmesh that received 24 comments

142 contributions in private repositories May 1 – May 25

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