About Us
Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a crucial role in immunization, and maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH). More than 4000 CSOs - including non-governmental organizations, advocacy organizations, professional and community associations, faith-based organizations and academia from around the world - come together to form the Gavi CSO Constituency. Together we help advance Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance vision of a world where all children are reached with life-saving vaccines.
The role of CSOs in immunization is multi-faceted and includes: direct service provision, creating demand for vaccination and child health services, advocating for increased access to immunization and acting as a watchdog to ensure that government and international actors are accountable to the people and communities they serve. CSOs have one seat on the Gavi Board and also participate in Board committees and task teams.
Find out more about Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. 
Latest News

CSO Steering Committee meeting was held in Geneva from 20-22 October

The Steering Committee met last month and the aim of the meeting was mainly to:

1.      Agree on CSO positions to be taken during October PPC meeting

2.      Discuss and define positions and engagement strategy for the Gavi Board and Gavi 5.0, including our key asks/arguments/priorities and elaboration of CSO positions on priority thematic in the lead up to the Gavi replenishment in 2020

3.      Discuss and engage on the future collaboration between our constituency and Gavi, at country and global levels (including Gavi’s future approach to support of CSO at country level)

4.      Discuss ways forward with our communication strategy and engagement with our constituency and reflect on how we should proactively reach out to our constituency members ensuring we do deliver and serve their needs and interests.

5.      Acknowledge and thank out-going SC members and welcome new SAGE and PPC representatives

6.      Discuss and agree on collaboration modalities in the Immunisation Agenda 2030 consultations at global, regional and country levels.

7.      Discuss current status of the CSO reporting framework tool and agree on next steps and timelines.

8.      Review and update technical SC Working Groups according to priority workstreams as defined in the draft workplan and aligned with Theory of Change- agree on modifications of the approach for better outcomes

9.      Provide opportunity for Gavi secretariat to update and discuss with the SC on on-going policy reviews and strategy development: Gavi 5.0 operationalisation and funding policy review, lead up to replenishment, Gavi vision for engagement with civil society.

10.  Engage and discuss with Gavi Senior level management on future collaboration with secretariat and Alliance partners moving forward and discuss Gavi 5.0 and in country engagement with our constituency.

11.  Nominate and elect the new Steering Committee Vice-Chair

Meeting reports will be available on the website ad be shared through the CSO constituency listserv shortly. 

Sincerely yours,
Your Steering Committee

New Brochures on CSO contributions to Equity, Political will, Coverage and on the platforms project work! 
Check it out !