
in page functions
Total population (2019) 15,932,407
Birth cohort (2019) 685,130
Infant mortality rate (deaths < 1 year per 1000 births, 2015) 85/1000
Child mortality rate (deaths < 5 years per 1000 births, 2015) 139/1000
World Bank Index, IDA (2015) 2.78
Gross Nation Income (per capita US$, 2015) 880
No. of districts/territories (2018) 117

Contact Gavi

For more info, contact Gavi country representative officer or email here

Gavi support for Chad

Type of support


2001-2023 (US$)
(17 Sep 2019)


2001-2023 (US$)
(17 Sep 2019)


2000-2019 (US$)
(17 Sep 2019)

% Disbursed

(17 Sep 2019)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total $74,891,775 $80,598,775 $70,213,024
Cold Chain Equipment Optimisation Platform (CCEOP) $4,484,610 $4,484,610
Health system strengthening (HSS 1) $5,727,209 $5,727,209 $5,727,209 100%
Immunisation services support (ISS) $2,637,000 $2,637,000 $2,637,000 100%
Injection Safety Devices (NVS) $318,500 $702,500 $321,163 101%
Injection safety support (INS) $443,812 $443,812 $443,812 100%
IPV (NVS) $4,981,312 $4,981,312 $4,647,970 93%
Measles SIA (NVS) $2,111,229 $2,111,229 $2,111,229 100%
Measles SIA - Operational costs (OPC) $2,923,031 $2,923,031 $2,923,031 100%
Meningitis A (NVS) $968,339 $968,339 $861,408 89%
Meningitis A - campaign (NVS) $5,491,027 $5,491,027 $5,491,027 100%
Meningitis A - mini catch-up campaign (NVS) $2,803,576 $2,803,576 $2,803,576 100%
Meningitis A - mini catch-up op.costs (OPC) $2,283,500 $2,283,500 $2,278,797 100%
Meningitis A - operational costs (OPC) $3,712,275 $3,712,275 $3,712,275 100%
Penta (NVS) $29,119,721 $32,549,221 $29,222,326 100%
Vaccine Introduction Grant (VIG) $1,204,720 $1,204,720 $1,201,963 100%
Yellow Fever (NVS) $5,681,914 $7,575,414 $5,830,238 103%

Red line on table indicates duration of support based on commitments.
Commitments: Multi-year programme budgets endorsed in principle by the Gavi Board. These become financial commitments upon approval each year for the following calendar year.
Approvals: Total Approved for funding

Download data for commitments, approvals & disbursements in XLS format

Chad DTP3 / immunisation coverage

DTP3 - WHO/UNICEF estimates (2018)

Grade of confidence

DTP3 - Official country estimates (2018) 77%
M:F sex ratio at birth (2019) 1.03
Household survey: DTP3 coverage for male (2014) 32.60%
Household survey: DTP3 coverage for female (2014) 33.80%
Household survey: Last DTP3 survey (2014) 33%
% districts achieving > 80% DTP3 coverage (2018) 47%
% districts achieving < 50% DTP3 coverage (2018) 11%
MCV WHO/UNICEF estimates (2018) 37%

Breakdown of support

Non-vaccine support Vaccine support
27% 73%
$18,924,087 $51,288,937

Data refers to disbursed values, date as per above chart

Move mouse over graph for details

News and updates relating to Chad

25 April 2017

Central African Republic, a mother and her two children.

Central African Republic: mother spreads word about meningitis A vaccine

Izimili Raude knows that her community must rely on vaccines, not miracles, to spare children from a deadly disease.

19 September 2016


On the frontline: Gavi's support to fragile states

With more than half of Gavi-supported countries officially listed as fragile states, Gavi is increasingly working on several fronts to ensure vaccines still reach people living on the frontlines of humanitarian crises.

22 February 2016

Gavi item

Meningitis A nearly eliminated in Africa through vaccination

Joint press release first published by WHO and PATH, joint founders of the Meningitis Vaccine Project.

Disclaimer: the boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.

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