Civil society organisations

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Civil society organisations help advance our vision of a world where all children are reached with life-saving vaccines


Credit: Gavi/2015/GMB Akash.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) – including non-governmental organisations, advocacy organisations, professional and community associations, faith-based organisations and academia – support Gavi across a wide spectrum of activities. 

CSOs have one seat on the Gavi Board and also participate in Board committees and task teams.

Reaching the unreached and strengthening health systems

CSOs, in partnership with governments, play a key role in implementing immunisation programmes. In many countries they deliver up to 65% of immunisation services, as well as strengthening health systems, training health workers and supporting logistics.

Advancing equity is central to Gavi’s mission. Remote communities and minority and marginalised groups often represent a big part of the last 15-20% of the population that miss out on life-saving vaccines. Civil society is vital in delivering health services and immunisation to those who need them the most.

Influencing public policy

There are still massive inequalities in child survival and health access ... In some countries, disparities have increased or stayed the same, not fallen.  

Jasmine Whitbread, CEO, Save the Children

Civil society is influential in the formulation of national health policy, and in shaping policy debates on issues such as women’s health, aid effectiveness and access to medicines.

CSOs often advocate for these issues to ensure that global health and development continue to save children’s lives and protect people’s health.

Supporting resource mobilisation

As communities demand more immunisation and health services, CSOs are a powerful voice in urging governments, donors and the private sector to invest sustainably in child health and immunisation. In addition, CSOs help encourage these stakeholders to deliver on their commitments.

Ensuring transparency and accountability

CSOs play a positive role in supporting governments, donors, and other global health actors to be responsive to the needs of communities. They also encourage all stakeholders to be more accountable and transparent.

By participating in Gavi’s governance, CSOs provide input to ensure that its programmes and policies are robust and that the Vaccine Alliance maintains a high level of transparency, accountability and responsiveness.

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