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Site visit: August 2016

Published: October 2016

In August 2016, GiveWell staff traveled to the Greater Accra Region, Ghana, with the primary purpose of visiting the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) and Sightsavers.

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In 2016, 2.7 million long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) were distributed in the Greater Accra Region, Upper West Region, and Northern Region of Ghana for protection against malaria. Ghana Health Services (GHS) implemented the LLIN distribution. AMF purchased the LLINs and provided funding to Episcopal Relief & Development to monitor the distribution.1

We visited Greater Accra in August, around one month after the distribution was completed there. Our four-day visit included:

  • Conversations with representatives of AMF, Episcopal Relief & Development, Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization (ADDRO), Ghana's National Malaria Control Program, Ghana Health Services, and VectorWorks on the distributions in the three regions.
  • Visits to households in areas targeted for LLIN distribution in Greater Accra.

Photos from our visit are here. Our site visit notes can be found here and rough notes from our household visits are in this spreadsheet. Notes from our conversation with Ghana's National Malaria Control Program are here.

An infant sleeping under an LLIN from AMF's July 2016 distribution in Greater Accra


We met with Sightsavers staff at their office in Accra, Ghana as part of our process of considering Sightsavers as a potential top charity. We met with Dr. Sunday Isiyaku, Country Director, Nigeria and Ghana; Dr. Elizabeth Elhassan, Technical Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs); and Dr. Didier Bakajika, Programme Epidemiologist for NTDs.

Notes from our meeting are here.