We exist to end Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric Fistula is the worst thing you’ve never heard of.  In fact, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation quantifies it as among the world’s highest burden disabilities. If you have heard of obstetric fistula, you might be surprised to know that it presents the single greatest opportunity in global health.

What is Fistula?


We use tried and tested business methods
to end the injustice




African surgeons asked us for a solution

Funding doesn’t reach the people with the greatest needs. It also doesn’t get to the people doing the work. We gave grants to surgeons as they provided evidence of quality care. The results proved an innovative and cost-effective way to leverage funding.

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We built a tool to bring measurement to care.

GOFER (the Global Obstetric Fistula Electronic Registry) is designed to document and improve every interaction between a patient and her care team across the continuum. We built it to help all other organizations. In addition to transforming our sector, we will also capture an unprecedented view of gender inequity from the systematic failures that produce the most marginalized women in the world.

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The worst problem you’ve never heard of

This is a problem as old as time. It’s an incredible injustice that this tragedy still happens and that so few people have ever heard of it.

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The biggest opportunity in global health

There is no shortage of important causes to support. But there are few opportunities to realize such a profound impact.

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